Donations and other news..

Seregon,who are good friends with the band,are going to donate all proceeds of the charity raffle to Mike's daughter from the EP release gig.


All future donations to the UK thrash site will now also be donated.
This is Craig (co-admin of here,

Yep, all donations made to our PayPal account will be held from now until the time comes to hand the funds to Mike's family (or a charity of their choice). You can either click on the Donate button on the left-hand side of our site at or you can donate via the "Send Money" tab on PayPal itself. Please mark the payment as a Gift if you are sending direct through PayPal, as this will add the PayPal fees charge to the donation, rather than taking it off the donation amount. The fee is pretty small (around 5% I think).

We have our own tribute thread going over on the UKT forum, and it's fair to say that Mike will be truly missed in all walks of life, so it's the least we could do. There's a full annoucement on UKThrash here:


* Co-Admin
A measly £20 paid in at the moment, needing to transfer funds from my other account in then I'll put in more.

It would be amazing if everyone on the forums could donate at least a little sum of money.
Thanks Siobhan, it would be great to get this out to other metal forums as well. There's no "final total" in mind, and we will continue collecting for as long as the donations keep coming. Once the donations slow down, we will switch back to donations, however if anyone still wants to donate to Mike's fund at this point, just put a message in the "Seller notfications" box, or email us with the transaction ID and we'll keep it aside and pass it on as and when appropriate. As I said, that is still a long way off though.

Please be aware that even though donations will be addressed to me personally (Craig Watson), they will be going into the UKThrash donations account. I had to register our PayPal account under my own name as isn't a full-fledged company.
Thanks Siobhan, it would be great to get this out to other metal forums as well. There's no "final total" in mind, and we will continue collecting for as long as the donations keep coming. Once the donations slow down, we will switch back to donations, however if anyone still wants to donate to Mike's fund at this point, just put a message in the "Seller notfications" box, or email us with the transaction ID and we'll keep it aside and pass it on as and when appropriate. As I said, that is still a long way off though.

Please be aware that even though donations will be addressed to me personally (Craig Watson), they will be going into the UKThrash donations account. I had to register our PayPal account under my own name as isn't a full-fledged company.

I've posted it on the Download forums and people have said they will donate and I think someone just did put some in. I'm sure there will be a lot of folk from there putting some cash in, I have also put it out through the Evile Street Team Facebook and MySpace (I run the ST) and through my Twitter also.
Cheers, hopefully we can get a good amount together. Out of respect, I'm not going to mention numbers or amounts, because (as cheesy as it sounds) it's the thought that counts, not how much. Donations are open to anyone and everyone - there's no need to have a UKThrash forum account to donate :)
I just donated 10£ I hope we get a fair amount of money for it, it does not take alot from 1 indivitual to make it big.
I've posted this on UKThrash, but will post here as well: said:
Just as a quick update, I want to say thank you to everyone who has donated so far. I've been personally astounded and surprised by the level of generosity shown by not only the people here on UKThrash, but also the wider metal community.

I'm not going to mention names, but we have had donations from the US, Holland and Finland, as well as the UK. I won't release figures yet, but there are some very generous and dedicated people out there, and it's a testament to the family spirit and togetherness in heavy metal fans.

The Seregon and HOD raffles will definitely help as well, and again it's a shining example of the community pulling together, it's just a shame that it's under such tragic circumstances.

If anyone can link to this on a forum they visit, it would be appreciated, as every donation helps, however small.


Announcement Link:
Sounds like its going rather well with donations.
Finland mentioned in the post :p
I thought I'd announce this here first - Me and the Bloodbrawl guys are going to put our band work on hold for the time being in order to help Mike's friends and family during this difficult time, yet once the dust settles and we resume work on the album - whenever that may be - at least half, if not all of the proceeds will be going to Mike's family or a charity of their choice.

To be honest, its the least we could do. Its not much, but its something.