Dont leave your shit at friends houses.


Apr 13, 2007
Ok so i left some of my gear at a friends house where we were practicing. I told him to put my acoustic back in the case if he played it. Well needless to say he left it out and it fell over and broke a tuning peg and messed up the finish on the headstock. Between the string tension and the humidity it warped the bridge... I know the tunning pegs are easily replaced but does anyone have any ideas on how I can repair the damage on the finish or the warping. Or direct me to a website with some advice or information on repairing this stuff.

With the headstock, either a Sharpie pen or model paint will be your best option. Since it's most likely a Poly finish doing a seemless repair is out of the question unless you redo the entire guitar.

You may need to do some research on what type of tuners they were, normally you can pickup replacements at places like and Besure to know your tuner ream size though before ordering.

What do you mean by your bridge is warped? Can you explain this more?
Yup, a black magic marker works best. Since it's a trans finish, you can forget about trying to make it look like it never happened.
Ok as to the bridge being warped. The string tension along with the humidity it endured over like 3 weeks out of its case has warped the bridge... like pulled it towards the neck. I live in Florida so its like swimming in the air... high humidity. So the action that was once semi low and smooth playing is now a little higher and requires a little more to fret the notes. I took care of the tuners already. Only cost me $76. Oh and the assholes leaving it leaned against the wall didn't help.
Actually it sounds like you just need to adjust your truss rod. Since your action is too high now, you're going to want to TIGHTEN your truss rod by turning the nut clockwise.

Release the tension from your neck by loosening all the strings.

Turn the truss rod nut about 1/4 turn then retune the guitar. See how the action lays now, if it's still too high then repreat the same process useing your judgement on how much to turn. If it get's too low, add relief to the neck by loosening the truss rod.
If it warped due to humitidy, it might be wise to remove some of the neck tension and let the guitar dry out a bit. It might return close to normal.
Yea thanks... ill try it... hey btw im kinda new to floyd rose.. i understand it for the most part and just reconfigured a low pro i have on my rg5 but i think it needs some fine tuning... actually ill adjust the truss rod on that also because the action is a little hi on frets past 12 or so... would that help or should i just have the action adjusted on the tremolo?