dont you just love...


Junior Member
May 29, 2001
London, England
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...the bit 9-11 or so minutes into Black rose immortal, and the bit about 2 minutes into the twilight is my robe...:rolleyes: i just think these bits are fucking awesome, i mean fuck yeah they're great, not to mention the rest of the song but hey i just thought i'd say these parts are brilliant...hmn maybe this is a waste of a post, only i hope to hear a lot of this sort of thing on the new albums :D
I don't think they'll return to the sound of the early years again. Although I wish they would. But there's still hope, because of the so called 'mellow' album...Morningrise is mellow too (compared to their other stuff).
Originally posted by Nico16
I don't think they'll return to the sound of the early years again. Although I wish they would. But there's still hope, because of the so called 'mellow' album...Morningrise is mellow too (compared to their other stuff). hope.
Originally posted by Nico16
I don't think they'll return to the sound of the early years again. Although I wish they would. But there's still hope, because of the so called 'mellow' album...Morningrise is mellow too (compared to their other stuff).

yea, they've definetly departed from their style on MR and Orchid....and i highly doubt that they will return to it, why would they when they have realeased three albums after that with a different style and have all been very successful
They've got a kind of spacey psychadelic feel to some of the guitars in BWP. Especially on Bleak and the title track. I'm sure we'll see alot of this sort of stuff on the new albums, since I read somewhere Mikael wanted to develop this side of their music. Bring it on I say.
"I don't think they'll return to the sound of the early years again. Although I wish they would."

The sounds of earlier days are gone. The past. I look forward to them changing. I've liked everything they've changed into along the way, but you'll drive yourself crazy trying to "hang on to the past." I don't believe the "old" sounds will ever come back. I don't think they can. Once you've grown past a time in your life, you really can't go back. All you can do is admire what you have. ;)

"They've got a kind of spacey psychedelic feel to some of the guitars in BWP...I read somewhere Mikael wanted to develop this side of their music."

Camel's psychedelic and has been noted many times by Mikael as a musical favorite in his life. I'm curious as to how it may shine through in their newest release.
What I mean by spacey psychadelic is to me, the guitar kind of comes accross in this lazy sort of rythem. I guess I've been used to hearing pretty precise notes with most of the Opeth tracks. But on BWP, there seems to be this drawn out note layered accross the background. It seems to kind of draw to a crescendo on the final song. Especially as the acuostic rolls in around 2.53, and then switches too distortion later.

A bit hard to explain but thats the way I see it. It kind of draws you away.
Originally posted by Nico16
I don't think they'll return to the sound of the early years again. Although I wish they would. But there's still hope, because of the so called 'mellow' album...Morningrise is mellow too (compared to their other stuff).

Damn straight they won't, and a pity that is too. Not saying thier new shit is, well shit, because it FUCKING ROCKS!!!


I know exactly what you are talking about and made a similiar observation a while back.

I still think that MAYH is their best. I believe it contains elements of their Orchid and MR era along with their newer direction found in SL and BWP.
Don´t you guys just love Dissection´s Thorns of crimson death at around 4:30 or something. The song´s too good at that moment.
JesusChristPose, MAYH is probably my current faviroute as well. Its been said many times that the production on MAYH was kind of poor and its hard to hear some notes. But on the flip side, it kind of forces you to pay more attention to the sounds to hear everything thats going on. I think this is why I like it so much. Once I began to hear all the subtilties, I gained more of an appreciation for it. Also, I think the fact that Mickael had a cold while doing the vocals. The vocals definately sound stuffy at times, but this is cool. Definately doesn't come accross all snotty like Morbid Angel - Where the Slime Live, but adds another element nontheless.

...MAYH is probably my current faviroute as well. Its been said many times that the production on MAYH was kind of poor and its hard to hear some notes. But on the flip side, it kind of forces you to pay more attention to the sounds to hear everything thats going on. I think this is why I like it so much. Once I began to hear all the subtilties, I gained more of an appreciation for it. Also, I think the fact that Mickael had a cold while doing the vocals. The vocals definately sound stuffy at times, but this is cool. Definately doesn't come accross all snotty...

This reminds me of something. The beginning of MAYH (actually the beginning of April Ethereal) has been pointed out as sounding a bit crappy - the production. The simbols (I believe) cloud out a lot of the other sounds until a little ways in. I never noticed it before until someone 'complained' about it. Now every time I hear it that's all I hear. :rolleyes:

I love the way his vocals sound even though he was ill. It wasn't bad at sounds...well, like stated above - NOT ALL SNOTTY!

snotty...another silly word :lol: