Doom with an epic feel


Sep 1, 2010
Hey guys, I'm searching for some great doom with an epic feel, in the veins of While Heaven Wept or Warning.

Thanks in advance!
Not sure what you already know, but I'd recommend Solstice, Ereb Altor, Atlantean Kodex and Scald.



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Yeah I know about Atlantean Kodex, have their last cd and it's quite good, though sometimes I find it too epic and not enough doom if you know what I mean. Ereb Altor and Solstice are bands I already have material from but have not listened to it yet. Will do soon. Will check out scald too, the songs you posted sound good.

Thanks for the recs!
Taking note of all this. Thanks!
I already know Esoteric and it's not what I'm looking for.
Doomsword is a good example but I already know them.

Still checking out first recs, Scald sounds pretty awesome. Ereb Altor is good too.
Scald is pretty much the best epic doom band ever.

Maybe try Isole too, it's the same guys as Ereb Altor but doing epic doom without the viking stuff. :)
Actually I love Isole's Bliss of Solitude. I knew Ereb Altor because of them.

Listened to Solstice (New Dark Age) today, that's what I liked most so far. Will keep on checking Doomshine, Altar of Oblivion, Forsaken, Black Hole, and every other things you recommended.