Parts of the trailer look like what I hope the next DOOM on Xbox 360 will look like.
This movie just has to suck, there's no other way. The game was a let down for me too. It just seemed more like a glorified tech demo then an actual game. It looked amazing but got very boring killing pretty much the same things in the same enviroment over and over and over...
Can't wait for it. Looks great. Mindless violence... and its got the Great One in it too!
should be good. i think the creators of doom were involved with this one. but, we wont know till we see it. my biggest dissapointment was resident evil. fuck you paul anderson.
In the immortal words of Stanley Marsh: "Jeez, they made it into movie already?" Well I grew up on Doom II. Archvile and Pain Elemental were my best friends. My favourite soundtrack to it was always White Zombie: "Feed The Gods"
JohnThrax said:
Its gonna suck.... but my friends and I will still go see it :p

I saw the trailer, just looks like every other monsters in space b-movie type thing, kinda like resident evil too but with the Rock!