Doomsday Anthem (New Heavy Metal band outta of SC)

Doomsday Anthem

New Metal Member
Apr 30, 2014
New Heavy Metal band from Lexington, South Carolina If u like Subscribe

Hey guys. I listened to the track on reverbnation. I like it! Good guitar riffs. If I can give any constructive criticism it would be on the screaming and the programmed drums. The screaming is getting there but you can hear that whoever is doing it is straining to do it. Practice screaming from your diaphragm more than from your throat. Theres a good video on youtube with tips if you search how to scream /w Wayne Hudspath. As far as the drums go they are good however sound very robotic. I myself have programmed tons of drums and there are tricks you can do to help with that such as using 2 slightly different tone snares and kicks. Messing with the velocity of everything also helps. Maybe a bit more reverb. Just my thoughts!