DORO PESCH: 'The Fans Are My Family, They're My Best Friends'

This woman amazes me! Every time I read an article about or an interview with her, the "giddy enthusiasm and unbridled passion rarely shared by today's rockers" that this article speaks of always shows through. Her attitude towards her fans and others in the industry is just such an inspiration.

I've been a fan for about 4 years now and although that isn't as long as man other fans, the first time I ever heard Triumph and Agony I fell in love with her voice and from that point forward had to own everything. I've never seen her live but in the next two weeks I'll see her twice - Jaxx in Springfield, Va and the Flight of the Valkyries festival in St. Paul, MN. I'm really looking forward to both. I think every metal fan has a band out there that changes their life once they see them live. That's what these shows will be for me. :headbang: