DOWN Has Already Written One Song For Next EP, Says PHILIP ANSELMO


Purveyor of the Unique & Distinct
Staff member
Sep 30, 2001
Virginia, USA
On September 11, Metal Kaoz conducted an interview with former PANTERA and current DOWN singer Philip Anselmo. You can now listen to the chat using the audio player below. A couple of excerpts follow.On the status of his solo band:"We just finished up mixing the new EP from myself and THE ILLEGALS, and it's very different — very, very, very different than [Anselmo's solo debut] 'Walk Through Exits Only'. And that EP will be available for the Housecore Horror Film Festival at the end of October in an seven-inch version and then we'll probably release it digitally shortly thereafter. It's two songs. I think we're gonna keep it simple and just call it the 'Housecore Horror Film Festival' EP — just keep it very, very simply; straight to the point."On whether the new songs from his solo project are more melodic or more extreme than "Walk Through Exits Only":"I think a little bit of both. I think there is points in it where there is a different use of vocal, where I guess you could say, yes, it's more melodic, to a certain degree, in spots. And then, maybe for some people it might be even more extreme musically in spots as well. Either way, it is very extreme, but it does touch on different, I guess, avenues of extremity."On DOWN's plans for the immediate future:"As of yesterday, September 10, DOWN wrote the first new song for the next EP. So we're gonna get back to work on that tomorrow. And we should have another song knocked out by tomorrow. And we're looking to release that fucker in the first quarter of next year. These are skeletons so far, but they are very, very strong skeletons. I think this first song that we wrote is very, very BLACK SABBATH-infused DOWN and very raw and heavy and I'm very happy with it."Interview (audio):
