
Yep use direct connect for music, here's a few metal hubs:

Bittorrent is good for vids/movies/apps, you'll find plenty of info on google, use for the actual torrents.
Black Core said:
I never head of that one before
yeah Direct Connect isn't centralized and requires a bit more prowess than the fasttrack or gnutella clients do, if you've ever used IRC its on that idea. Really good stuff you can find almost anything usually several terabytes or more per hub are shared.
Liverslapper said:
i used limewire, but now i cant use P2P stuff because i can't get a connection, no matter how much i turn off the firewall..
Maybe you reached you're download limit else I advise reinstalling it
Black Core said:
Maybe you reached you're download limit else I advise reinstalling it

i've done all that, i have done everything, you name it. when you uninstall it, there are dir. that dosn't get deleted and you have to delete manually and sometimes thats the problem, did that, still won't work. I have opened the right TCP ports and everything, still won't work. It use to work though, not it just won't connect anymore.

i know i dont have a limit, because i dont have any songs downloaded...and + i used lime wire pro.

Liverslapper said:
i've done all that, i have done everything, you name it. when you uninstall it, there are dir. that dosn't get deleted and you have to delete manually and sometimes thats the problem, did that, still won't work. I have opened the right TCP ports and everything, still won't work. It use to work though, not it just won't connect anymore.

i know i dont have a limit, because i dont have any songs downloaded...and + i used lime wire pro.

Bad idea of opening your port. NEVER DO THAT, is makes it way too easy for hackers,etc.
do you have admin rights? Cuz you need em to run p2p programs
Try something with your firewall, make the p2p an exception that can get through, that might help too
Black Core said:
Bad idea of opening your port. NEVER DO THAT, is makes it way too easy for hackers,etc.
do you have admin rights? Cuz you need em to run p2p programs
Try something with your firewall, make the p2p an exception that can get through, that might help too

its exepted through the firewall, and yeah i have admin rights. its almost like some invisible firewall is stopping it. i just basically gave up i tried

i even went to the Limewire forum boards to see help, i tried everything there too
Often times with Filesharing programs you do have to open up Ports(such as bittorrent and DC++).
If you have a broadband connection routers and DSL/Cable modems often have HW firewalls built in that you'll have to port forward through
check my site it's got links to the best sites online some site even give you links to DVD rips before their released lot's of metal sites
Oh yeah PS stay off P2P MPA has got ppl hunting pirates over it a friend of mine got caught while using soul seek
Black Core said:
Bad idea of opening your port. NEVER DO THAT, is makes it way too easy for hackers,etc.
MSN Messenger uses Trigger porting to establish connections between you and whoever you're talking to. Trigger porting opens any port it can just to get the connection working, which is more worse than opening a specific port yourself. I'm just mentioning this as an example that deliberately opening a port number that you're aware of and can control is not as bad as some other things out there.

Anyway, another free program available for downloading music and other files is Soulseek.
Arttiv said:
MSN Messenger uses Trigger porting to establish connections between you and whoever you're talking to. Trigger porting opens any port it can just to get the connection working, which is more worse than opening a specific port yourself. I'm just mentioning this as an example that deliberately opening a port number that you're aware of and can control is not as bad as some other things out there.
Didn't know that, Damn kinda sucks actually
I'd say download the Bittorrent client, and then to get torrents to download, go to .

I've downloaded quite a few whole albums from that site, and it's pretty good.