Downward Spiral Poll


Here's a question, out of all of these records, which judging by the fans they were bricks, was the worst. These are bands that issued records that eventually lead to their downward spiral & or break up...
I'm looking for your least favorite & why...
Metallica and Anthrax for sure. Megadeth took a couple of steps upward with TWNAH and TSHF. Sepultura died when Max left to form Soulfly. Slayer is still doing well in my book. Exodus just released a gem so they still have it, even though they needed a break after Force Of Habit.
Clear cases

Def Leppard - "Pyromania": The band lost an arm, some years and all the balls. Crappy, poppy the shape of things to come. Where "High'N'Dry" was left, mostly dry I guess.

Metallica - "Metallica": Another high dive into nothingness. Everybody guessed that 'One' and the video was a bad omen, the next album was a high alert, after that ("Load") a war declaration and gravity make the rest of the job.

Dream Theater - "Train Of Thoughts": Disgusting sound try to impress mallcore fans. Copycat of new post "Metallica" (black album) sound of the great-down the-spiral-all time champions.

Anthrax - "Stomp 442": I don't have the previous one and I also believe the band fucked up big time with "The Attack Of The Killing Bs' and the 'I Am The Man' shit. Friends recommended me this one but is so Panterishtical that bores me to dead, one good song 'Fueled' and the final ballad is yuck!

Nightwish - "Once": "Century Child" was damn weak compared to the predecessors, but this one is a lot of nails in the coffin. The next one (if it happens) will be severely scrutinized before purchase. Something wicked this way comes and smells like a band loosing appealing. :cry:

Megadeth - "Cryptic Writings": If "Youthanasia" brought for me the first unrecordable Megadeth song, CW brought many. Bad sign that a check of "Risk" and TWNAH confirmed. Bye bye Dave...and hello again with "The System Has Failed" I hope the Helloween effect may apply here.

Almafuerte - "Almafuerte": The speed metal band from Argentina that I like so much after two albums decided to re-record songs from the former band off the bass/singer Ricardo Iorio. Moreover finally the true colors of the guy show up in the lyrics: right wing wacko, populist clown. The next two albums were awful, I bought them and sold them This IDIOT found the hard way the error of buying albums without previous info on them or a pre-hearing. I still have the two first albums, but I abhor the band greatly.

Avalanch - "Los Poetas Han Muerto": after three great power metal albums, the guitar player fired half the band, toned down the music and made it mellower and sweeter. The result :puke:

Iron Maiden - "No Prayer For The Dying": Alright, don't shoot me! This is about conversation not free bashing ;) I'm not going to say that is Gers fault either (even if I don't like him), but after SSOASS the band lost magic, the next albums were increasingly erratic, Blaze era (don't mention it JD :wave: ) and Bruce return were all failure. DOD is just please let me die. The band that brought me into metal is a walking corpse, nothing but sadness fill my soul on this subject :erk:

Hit and miss

Helloween - "Pink Bubbles Go Ape": The band was heading for tomorrow? :D , no for disaster. The album is plain bad, and "Chameleon" is plain :puke:. But like the phoenix the band came back from ashes with "Master Of The Rings", giving one good album after another... just to came into shit again. "Rabbit Don't Come Easy" is not bad but is not good either compared to the stuff before it. The band from here may go up or probably down again, and (if)being the second time can be fatal.

Metal Church - "Masterpeace": Years passed by, the band was revamped with the old singer and as much as I miss Howe the album actually is much better than most people says is not. Anyhow something smelled fichy, and covering Aerosmith wasn't a good sign either. After that the band fell apart, Wayne screwed up big time, and now all that is left is Vanderhoof and the drummer. Looks more like Vanderhoof band than MC, but people say the album is good so who knows...?

The Organization: The post Death Angel outfit did it right unlike Metallica. They changed the name and the sound, the albums are groovier and poppier. Not awful, but nothing really important to have in the collection (unless you're an IDIOT like me and bought them cheap but without info). The band got astray, change again the moniker and went into oblivion.
This year Death Angel (minus one original member) came back with a good album, bashed for many who wanted another debut :err: . The album is better than "Frolic Through The Park" and even parts of "Act III". :kickass:

The skin of the teeth

Black Sabbath - "Forbidden": the album just stinks. Who in hell gave Iommi the idea of having Ice-T (and his guitar as producer) in the album? Where's the gloom/doom Ozzy era music? The might of the Dio albums? The heaviness of "Born Again"? Even the spirit of "The Headless Cross"? No idea, the album reeks mediocrity, and it was one of the worst swan songs in metal history. ""Reunion came as an eraser, it just took the bad taste and gave the band a dignifying farewell, the original line-up got together and buried the band with honors. May they prove worthy of themselves in the Ozzpest.

Judas Priest - "Demolition": second album with Owens and the novelty of a more aggressive sound was replaced for a tendency of Tipton to get "modern" and filled the album with mallcore atmosphere. Owens was neglected as a lyricist and the input of Downing, Hill and Travis ignored. The band was heading for the bottomless pit, and Halford decided to throw them a lifesaver. Now the oxygen is on their field, I hope they know how to breath it good, because if the new album doesn't deliver up to the expectations for this kind of reunion...

False alarms

Skyclad - "A Semblance Of Normality": The first new material album without Martin Walkyier was a big surprise. Against most prophets of doom who predicted crap without Walkyier lyrics and vocals, came out as a great album. The lyrics are still good, the music is GREAT, and I prefer the cleaner vocals of Kevin Ridley.

Deep Purple - "Bananas": As "Purpendicular" and Steve Morse came as new msucle for a band deeped troubled by line-up wars, the next one "Abandon" and the numerous live albums filled with just old material (plus boxes and remasters) smelled like a dying band in their last gasps. The new album was among the finest surprises of 2003. Great songs, great lyrics, catchy melodies, perfect playing and the proof that being old school at its best is worth to be forever.

*Note: I'm not fan of Sepultura, but I also believed they screwed up with "Chaos A.D." and from there to bottomity"*

Sorry for the long post, I got carried away (must be the Friday 13th effect).
Easily my vote would got to Antharx. I was floored that this was the same band that issued Sound of White Noise? They killed what momentum they had after that record... What could have been, eh?
I'm on the fence on Slayer, the AC/DC & Motorhead formula didn't rub off on them.
Exodus like Pycho stated have redeemed themselves, I agree Sepultura shit the bed when Max left. Metallica well, you know, took a left turn & are still in the NASCAR circuit to this day. Risk? There were 5 tracks that had potential, but it wasn't Megadeth & really hasn't been since...
Wyvern:Judas Priest - "Demolition": second album with Owens and the novelty of a more aggressive sound was replaced for a tendency of Tipton to get "modern" and filled the album with mallcore atmosphere. Owens was neglected as a lyricist and the input of Downing, Hill and Travis ignored. The band was heading for the bottomless pit, and Halford decided to throw them a lifesaver. Now the oxygen is on their field, I hope they know how to breath it good, because if the new album doesn't deliver up to the expectations for this kind of reunion...

I love Tim & Priest, but I think this was a brick from the opening lick.
A record that should have never been.
Some of these are isolated incidents, and the bands recovered... some just started the trip down the shitter.

Metallica - Metallica
We all know why... sigh. The scary thing is it didn't even begin to indicate where they woudl go from there... ugh!

Megadeth - Risk
Crush Em? Ummm... NO!

Iron Maiden - X Factor and Virtual XI
One name: Blaze Bayley

Motley Crue - Motley Crue
One name: John Corabi

Motley Crue - Generation Swine

KISS - Music From The Elder
The Elder obviously didn't know how to write good songs!

RATT - Dancing Undercover
They should have left this pile of shit under the covers!

There are more, but these are the ones I can think of right now.

:headbang: :headbang: :headbang:
I could make a HUGE list because I am a very picky listener, but I don't like to be too negative, so I will name the biggies.

Metallica - "Metallica." It in itself wasn't horrible, and I wouldn't complain about it one bit if it were a hiccup as compared to the end of a metal empire. It isn't half as good as AJfA nor nearly as bad as Load, but it started the trend.

Guns -N- Roses - "Appetite for Destruction." I saw them open for The Crue and a friend of mine said that those guys would be bigger than The Crue and I said they were a glorified bar band. I guess both of us were right.

Kiss - "Unplugged." Yeah I am in the minority here (though Trixx has my back) but I dig 80's Kiss. I saw some crap coming when they brought back the original line-up. The live show may be fine, but the magic is gone as far as recording.

Scorpions - "Crazy World" They lost their balls completely on this one.

Accept - "Eat the Heat" - I saw the writing on the wall with this one. Even when Udo returned, Accept had lost it's magic. The power was there, but the strength of songwriting was lost.

Pearl Jam - "Ten." I don't like alternative, but that release ripped my head off. I knew there was no way PJ could ever write another release like that.

Udo - "Animal House" This was Accept. Accept wasn't going to be on the next, so I knew it wasn't going to be as good. He still makes good music, but not great music.

Fates Warning - "A Pleasant Shade of Gray." FW always had the ability to be quite progressive and uniue, but still was able to write "songs." The APSoG releaese was an endless mush of garbled bullshit that all sounded alike.

To add a few more, NWOBHM bands seemed to be extremely good at making bad follow ups.
- Jaguar : This time ; ugh, from Power Games this was a pussy record
- Hellanbach : Now hear this ; hear what? Dancemetal they called it..
- Angel Witch : Screaming and Bleeding ; one of the saddest follow ups ever...
- Diamond Head : Canterburry ; sad follow up to some classic records
I don't think Devine Interventoin or Chaos A.D. were bad at all. Metallica's shit started at the black album already, Load was just loads of it and then came an endless supply of it.
Risk is a defenite downer and no questions on Stomp 442 witch would have had my vote.
Bryant said:
Fates Warning - "A Pleasant Shade of Gray." FW always had the ability to be quite progressive and uniue, but still was able to write "songs." The APSoG releaese was an endless mush of garbled bullshit that all sounded alike.
I still like this record a lot, even if I have to be in the right mood to listen to it.

My vote goes to Anthrax, MetNullica and Scorpions.
Guns N' Roses: Spaghetti Incident? What the heck was that? :yuk:
Helloween: Band went down the gutter when Kiske left. BTW Kiske also did. :yuk:
Kiss - Reunion was nothing but a cash machine. Musically they had their strongest line-up in the 80s and early 90s. Revenge was a phenomenal record. The real let-down came with all those Best Of Greatest Hits. :yuk:
Manowar: Since Triumpf Of Steel they seem to have trouble writing enough good songs for a full-blown album. That's where all the Best Of- and Live-records come from. :yuk:
Metallica: "Load" of shit! :yuk:
Mötley Crüe: Generation Whine IMO :yuk:
Paradise Lost: I totally love One Second but Host was nothing but a cheap Depeche Mode rip-off. Need I say more? :yuk:
Sepultura: The started going down the drain with Chaos A.D. and ended up in the sewers with one of my alltime stinkers: Roots! :yuk:

Anthrax: Yes, I was also one of those who left the band where it was when Joey left. But fact is that We've Come For You All rules. I say wait for the next record and then decide. :err:

Exodus: New one smokes! :D
Iron Maiden: Maiden without Bruce just ain't Maiden even when The X-Factor was a decent record. But I wouldn't speak of a failure. :D
Megadeth: Again, I've never had any problems with this band. Even the often bashed Risk sounds great to me. :D
Slayer: Gimme a break! Divine Intervention was rather weak, yes. But their last two records were killers. No doubt about that! :D
Destruction, Kreator & Sodom: All had very weak periods in the mid-90s but came back to form with their late-90s efforts. :D
Man, looks like I'm the only one who liked Anthrax's Stomp 442, it is the only Bush Anthrax I like though.

My picks----

Metallica - Metallica __ just a pile of crap! The only good thing about that album was that it turned me off so much that I never wanted to hear any new stuff from them so I've still never heard the Load albums :lol: . However I broke down and got St Anger ... just goes to show how dumb I am. :lol:

Any of the Maiden albums without Bruce

Judas Priest - Pain Killer __ Priest trying to keep up with the thrash scene at the time. I know everyone else love this album but I can't stand it.

Testament - Demonic __ just a dud in my book. However the last one (The Gathering) was great!!!

I'll stop there. :D
Greeno said:
:lol: . However I broke down and got St Anger ... just goes to show how dumb I am. :lol:

Any of the Maiden albums without Bruce

Judas Priest - Pain Killer __ Priest trying to keep up with the thrash scene at the time. I know everyone else love this album but I can't stand it.

Hehehe, I also bought that one cause it came with a free DVD(St Anger), should have known better, even the cover art sucks. Can't believe you put up Painkiller, it must sound different to you than what it does to me, I recon it's way better than Ram it down even. Another downward-spiral album for me was Pantera's Far Beyond Driven, then Trentkill came, didn't like any of those too much.
DrillSergeant said:
Helloween: Band went down the gutter when Kiske left. BTW Kiske also did. :yuk:

I'd disagree...On Helloween count, that is... ;)
If nothing, Time Of The Oath is among their best albums in every aspect and the rest of the Deris era (except for Rabbit...) is fine by me.

Manowar: Since Triumpf Of Steel they seem to have trouble writing enough good songs for a full-blown album. That's where all the Best Of- and Live-records come from. :yuk:

Yeah, two albums in ten years, sad...

Wyvern said:
Dream Theater - "Train Of Thoughts": Disgusting sound try to impress mallcore fans. Copycat of new post "Metallica" (black album) sound of the great-down the-spiral-all time champions.

I really can't figure out that move towards mallcore shite... :ill:

Iron Maiden - "No Prayer For The Dying": Alright, don't shoot me! This is about conversation not free bashing ;) I'm not going to say that is Gers fault either (even if I don't like him), but after SSOASS the band lost magic

Yeah, I feel that way too...
Still, No Prayer and Fear... are very good albums for me...

the next albums were increasingly erratic, Blaze era (don't mention it JD :wave: ) and Bruce return were all failure.

BNW still has some spirit and a true classic Maiden tune in Wicker Man.

DOD is just please let me die. The band that brought me into metal is a walking corpse, nothing but sadness fill my soul on this subject :erk:

When I downloaded that album, a Maiden fanatic friend of mine (is it enough to point out that we call him Bruce? :) he even resembles him from the TNOTB days!) came to my place, so we gave it a listen. With each minute, my face was more and more in disgust and his was more and more in delight...
He's really into that album, that band sure has sure thrown some kind of spell on people and I happen to be immune to it's effects. :D

I wish they called it quits after BNW... :erk:
zeppelin said:
Hehehe, I also bought that one cause it came with a free DVD(St Anger), should have known better, even the cover art sucks. Can't believe you put up Painkiller, it must sound different to you than what it does to me, I recon it's way better than Ram it down even. Another downward-spiral album for me was Pantera's Far Beyond Driven, then Trentkill came, didn't like any of those too much.

Hahaha... The free DVD is also why I bought St Anger. 10 bucks for the album and DVD sounded good at the time... too bad the album didn't sound good. :lol:

As for Painkiller everyone here has given me shit before for not liking it. :lol: Oh well, it's still cap to me. :)

And for Pantera, I like the 4 indie 80's albums but never cared for the major label releases. I actually don't own any of the major releases, just the first 4. It's not because they were on a major label, don't care about that, just never liked their "new" sound.
Greeno said:
Hahaha... The free DVD is also why I bought St Anger. 10 bucks for the album and DVD sounded good at the time... too bad the album didn't sound good. :lol:

I downloaded 4 or 5 tracks from St. Anger and deleted them. Nasty!!!

As for Painkiller everyone here has given me shit before for not liking it. :lol: Oh well, it's still cap to me. :)

You won't hear any shit from me. I don't like Painkiller either! I've tried to like it....I really have :lol: