
Apr 15, 2001
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DOCTOR Who fans have cause for celebration after the ABC snapped up the rights to the new series of the hit British sci-fi show.

The broadcaster today announced it would screen the latest series of the popular program from mid May.

Doctor Who first aired on the BBC in 1963 with the last episode screening in 1989.

The latest series made a triumphant return to British screens last week, attracting a television audience of more than 10.5 million fans.

Previous series of Doctor Who aired on the ABC but the new series was yet to be acquired by an Australian broadcaster up until now.


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i beleive that the ABC has picked up the new series but it goes for 45 mins so they are going to run shorten verions Little Britian after it and call it Very Little Britian
I expect that with time and patience I can get over the fact that David Tennant looks like a reject from a Cure tribute band :lol:

He's only 34 fer Christ's sake! You have to be at least 40 to play the Doctor with any sense of authority.

Oh well, mustn't moan too much even though I'm still disappointed that Chris Eccleston has quit so soon. The important thing is that the show's back :headbang:.