DREAM EVIL - 'Gold Medal In Metal'


Master of Disaster
Staff member
Nov 24, 2002
"First of all, we´re awefully sorry for the last months' inactivety. As you all know, due to Niklas throat problems we've been forced to postpone the recordings of our fourth album for a couple of months as well as cancel all summer festival shows. It stinks to say the least, but what the hell can we do?! If Niklas ignores the doctors prescriptions it could give him permanent damage and maybe he could never sing again. We don't want that, do we?

Shortly though, a brand new song called 'Gold Medal In Metal' will be posted on our site. So don't be a stranger..."

Stay cool and maybe a little evil,

I know the name of the song is cheesier than limburger but I love these guys, waiting to hear it :cool:
SickBoy said:
They act as if they want people to say "if you think Manowar's cheese, check this out..." :D
Very average to below average band for me.

Indeed, but the difference is that manowar believe they are serious, while DE lik to joke at themselves, and I love them for that :loco:
Great band. I love the first two albums. Book of Heavy Metal is good too, just felt the first two were stronger. I totally support these guys though. I even have their Children of the Night Ep which had some kick ass bonus tunes on there. Hope they come to America soon. Looking foward to hearing the new song.
No-Mercy said:
i love dream evil, cool, they kick ass!! although, i hate when people call them and hammerfall cheesy, whether they mean it in a bad way or not :p

Well NM the fact is that are degrees of cheesiness in metal. First you have to separate:

  1. Real cheese
  2. Fake cheese
In the first type you have those bands who really believe all that crap about true metal or die, who wish to go cladded like a mix between Conan and Robocop everywhere (even the bathroom), who can't give an interview with an IQ over -5 and who despise everyone (including some other metal bands) who don't fart their way.

In the second type you find bands who like to take metal in a fun way, they love their work, they're proud of their music, but they know life is too short to bee too serious.

Second you have to separate the fake cheese into:

  1. Cheesy with fun and reverence
  2. Cheesy with fun and irreverence
In the first class you have bands like Hammerfall or Cryonic Temple. They know they are being cheesy for fun but try to play the act nicely.

In the secon class is Dream Evil or Metalucifer (IMO), they know they're cheesy, and they have fun doing something they know is fun to do for the sake of having fun.

Is like westerns, you have a John Ford western, a Sergio Leone western and a Mel Brooks one :D

But please don't get mad about the commentaries, I love Hammerfall, Cryonic Temple, Dream Evil and many other bands. I consider myself a metalhead, just not a blind fan one, but one who accepts the fun/seriousness, highs/lows of any band.