DREAM EVIL - The Book of Heavy Metal


The Truth Seeker
Mar 14, 2003
Planet Earth

ALBUM: The Book of Heavy Metal

LABEL: Century Media
LABEL URL: http://www.centurymedia.com
BAND URL: http://www.dreamevil.se


1. The Book of Heavy Metal (March of the Metallians)
2. Into the Moonlight
3. The Sledge
4. No Way
5. Crusaders’ Anthem
6. Let’s Make Rock
7. Tired
8. Chosen Twice
9. M.O.M
10. The Mirror
11. Only for the Night
12. Unbreakable Chain


If a band signed a contract with the devil to keep heavy metal anthem music alive, that would certainly be DREAM EVIL. They’re always one step ahead of the game and they keep themselves firmly planted within the crowd pulling genre of traditional heavy metal – one that will always attract a mammoth crowd. Whether you swing or bat for the other side the general consensus is their music is ‘disgustingly infectious.’

The Book of Heavy Metal marks their fourth release but departs from their usual concept / themed albums. In this album, they resurrect the legends. Legends such as JUDAS PRIEST, DIO, WASP, WHITESNAKE and OZZY OSBOURNE are all recreated within the realm of DREAM EVIL. Before you start to scream and decide to inundate the Royal Carnage forums with voracious comments, I can assure you that this album simply rocks and if you don’t get this album then you are banished forever to stay in your forests of solitude or your cauldrons of black magic!

Each track is crafted so that its apex is met early and the listener is hence hooked. If this were a design that could be patented then DREAM EVIL would be multi-billionaires. The use of earth pounding drums elicits the listener into a hallucinogenic trance, unable to focus on any external stimuli. Throw in the incredible vocal range of its lead vocalist, Niklas Isfeldt, and the furious slamming of the guitar solos and you have a band that are not only the grandest designers but know how to freely manufacture a narcotic for listeners’ ears. Anyone who has viable ears will not be able to put this album down.

And maintaining their effort of such great anthems you can also be assured of some devastatingly cheesy lyrics! Oh come on, with an album like this do you seriously think they’ll give you something deep and meaningful to think about? . . .

“You and I belong together, we are strong, only the fight remains, united we are strong, but weak on our own, no one can break these chains, no they cannot break these chains.” – Unbreakable Chain

. . . and my favourite

“I’ve died to become immortal, that’s why I play the guitar.” – The Book of Heavy Metal

Reviewer – Chief B

Rating – 8/10