Dream of Mirrors.


Victory is at hand.
Jan 7, 2005
Anyone else besides myself thinks this song is a musical master piece? It’s 9:19 long and is as fun to listen to as it is to play; big guitar sound on the rhythm, long and deep, with layers of feelings. This is all I can say that it’s like classical music, in heavy metal form.

Look a far Iron Maiden evolved since they began; when I first head 666 I never imagined the greatness of the music and guitar class that would come from them.

I just have a thing for that class of music.
I also think this song is great... I had plans to play it with some friends but at the end we couldn't... perhaps it was because we were lazy to learn the faster parts!!!:p
I kinda' like that intro myself, I think it's fancy. There is allot going on in those songs, and it's easy to become lazy with them if you can't share the work with other players.
Dream of Mirrors is just one of the songs that you can really get into, from the start of it to when the pace increases and then slows down again for the end I just have to listen!
Yes it's complete as a song and is a really good implementation of high class theory; although, I've got to say that Bruce's vocals on the tune just take me away, too.
To answer your question Robo: YES a musical masterpiece this one!

As I mentioned somewhere before on this board, this is my bigtime fave song on Brave New World! Absolutely love how the pace changes on this one. Would probably faint dead away if I ever saw The Maidens play it... Who knows? They seem to be full of surprises! ;) They have made Remember Tomorrow a regular part of the setlist and I never thought I'd see RT performed live either (my alltime fave - thanks Maidens!).

The dream is true...
Those songs on that release are long and involved, that said, short sassy song are nice too. Not every song that has been studio polished is ever played live, because it takes allot...

Anyway, Bruce's vocals on "The Thin Line between Love and Hate", take me away too. Ya' gotta' admit it sounds really good and has some meaning.
I agree, and Dance of Death is the same way.... when I first heard that song, I envision the London Philharmonic playing in the background.... man....

Now I have to play it on my Winamp.... I think I am addicted to that song...