DREAMSCAPE "5th SEASON"soundfiles on the official homepage


New Metal Member
Aug 31, 2007
hello this is wolfgang the guitarplayer of deamscape...
our cd is recorded, mixed and mastered!
on http://www.dreamscape.de you can download samples from the songs and the full version of the song "deja vu" !
best regards!
wolfgang kerinnis - the deadman walking at dreamscape ;-)

The samples sound great. I can't wait to receive my autographed copy from cdinzane, which was supposedly sent already. Best of luck and I will always buy anything you put out.

New York, USA
The samples kick ass Wolfgang! Im looking forward to hearing the full version of Somebody. I loved that song live at PPUK :D
thank you very much for listening to the files!
I hope you will like the complete cd as well!

and for information:
at the moment we are very busy with the next album (2008) and the preperation for the tour with sieges even in octobre...

best regards!
wolfgang kerinnis
hi Yippee38,
thank you very much!
but always is a overstatement, cause it took 5 years to create something new... the "end of silence" album was done in early 2003... and that is one of the reason for the lineup change. but i hope in the future we can use the word always! :headbang:
best regards to all of you!

wolfgang from dreamscape
We are in the recording progress of our Debut Album and i was wondering about where you did the mix on this, sounds huge!! We are looking for a label ass well..

It would be cool if you could drop me line about prices if you know this?? to my mail at: lionheart@online.no

Keep up the good work Wolfman:)

Guitarist of Illusion Suite (Norway)