Dreamscapes of the Perverse

Reign in Acai

Of Elephant and Man
Jun 25, 2003
Favela of My Dismay
Melodic Black Metal done right in my opinion~. I've been a fan of these guys for fuck long, and am surprised that they haven't received even a mouse whisper around these parts.


The myspace samples do not do the songs justice, as you will not be able to experience the climatic build up of each piece. Good riffery, great choruses, chow yung phat drumming, and some nice lyrics that aren't centered around Satan sodomizing a goat. Stand by for some proper mp3 uploads.

Definitely digging those samples Jer - sounds like Dimmu Borgir with far better (read - more old school style) riffing & vocals. Not too sure about the permeating symphonic stuff, but it's still cool at times.

Well done! :kickass: