Drop box test / Drum Recordings

I guess I should elaborate on the drum mix, it's not the finished one which made the EP - it's just to show off the drummers progress and what he'd doing behind the kit.

So, the tone of the guitars and bass aren't really the focus - but any tips on the drums would be much appreciated.
I like the song. Drummer sounds like he can play pretty good. I'm listening on cheap headphones right now but I'm not a big fan of the kick drum sound. It sounds like it was recorded with an SM58 or something. I assume your going to replace it with samples though. Other than that the drums sound pretty sweet to me.
The kick is causing problems really, recording was D112 into the "sweetest" spot. The front head was off it - but that was my inexperience at the time which thought the drummer was right.

The monitoring at the place I did it was awful, the bass response in the studio is magnified 100x by the fact that the monitors aren't de-coupled from the desk and there's no absorption.

I've tried to replace the sample, but I can't make it sound "good" and I'm not a massive fan of re-sampling anyway .. Although if more people agree - then I may have to spent time with it.

Thanks for the comments