Drop F stuff

Joshua Wickman

Yes Sir!
Feb 11, 2009
Mix i'm working on with guitars in drop F. I had the band tune the bass up on this instead of trying to match the guitars that low. This was something very different for me and figured I would get your guys thoughts on the mix. I did not run and pitch shifted bass or anything crazy and just used the bass as it was. I think it came out pretty good and was fun trying something new like this.


http://dl.dropbox.com/u/610605/Myspace mp3/Mix v1.0.mp3
Dude ... Josh, I've been checking up on your stuff for a while and I'm always impressed as hell (I haven't posted much here since I've been uber busy with other-than-forum stuff, but I should be contributing more and commenting more). The mix sounds awesome, almost in a weird Acacia Strain's Wormwood meets As I Lay Dying kind of way (what sense that makes, I dunno). The ONLY flaw I could hear was the snare gets buried every now and then, but don't take that as an overly negative thing at all man! Kick ass job!
sounds realy great !
the only thing the made a red alarm in my head is the overheads - they are wierd freq-wise... a fix needed imo :)
the entire thing is sort of weird eq-wise, really strong in the mids, like towards the lowermids in the "cardboard" zone (500-800hz somewhere), and the overheads sound like they've been saturated/distorted some and are sort of brilliance-lacking. also, I find the cymbals a bit to robotic for my taste. guitars could go down a db or two. but that's the list over stuff I find bad with this production. the list of GOOD things is too long to even start writing. the tightness, guitar tone, vocals, levels, everything is just tits. great job.
I like the way it sounds bro. But i would probably grind out the bass a bit more and turn it up ;). And shit you could make the overhead's a bit louder! did you have any room mic's set up? if so bring those's up a bit to add some more room to the mix. But over all it sound's beast
I think the bass sounds weak and muddy on it's own, and that ride sounds really fake, other than that everything else sounds fine to me.
Demolisher is Seth's baby. They are sick as fuck though! This is a different band.

Haha thanks Josh. I must admit, there are times when this vocalist kinda sounds like Nick from Demolisher.

I really like this band and when I found out you were doing their album I got super stoked! And it came out sounding awesome!
Sorry guys i got busy and kinda forgot.

Drums are all midi and the cymbals are a my own samples. The skins i did some Sd 2.0 or Slate. I printed a few different samples and just forgot what made it in the mix. Nothing special really, just some eq and i did not use any room samples. I sent all the skins to a bus with dverb and then i send that dverb buss to another buss and kinda smashed it like you would a room mic. I just wanted to try something different, and i just bought the Devil Loc Deluxe so i had to test it out.

Slate Vcc is all over this and i also just bought the Waves Mpx Tape, so i used that on all the drums as well and also on the Master 2 Buss.

Guitars are My Schecter Hellraiser 7 string. I have it set up with .80 on top and then a .70 pack of 6 strings to finish it out. That went to my Type 85 dir and then into Podfarm. I was going to reamp but the band needed the mix back asap and did not want to wait until i had the free time (a few months later) to let me play with some reamps. So i ended up keeping the Pod on the mix and it sounds fine. I ended up using the other mesa dual rec emulation from the one i normally use just to try something new. I forgot the stupid fake name they give it.

Bass was my Sx (100.00 rondomusic.com bass) and i had them tune up to F instead of down. We used .90's on the bass and it worked out perfect. I wish i had more time and could have played around with some pitch shifting or blending in some Midi bass just to hold down the low end a little better. There is always next time. Bass was then sent to my type 85 dir and then to my Sansamp rpm. I did a blend of the rpm and a Podfarm (Sansamp>Ampeg head and 8x10 emulation) and it seemed to work out nice. I might have also used Mpx on the bass buss as well. I was going pretty crazy with that plugin!

Vocals are sm7 into Distressor and that's about it with some verb and delays here and there. I also used Massey L2007 to finish of the vocals and just slam them.

That's about all i can think of and if i missed anything, please let me know. Also the majority of this song was wrote in the studio (i even wrote the drums for 85% of this cause the drummer had just quit), recorded and mixed in about 2 days. So, yea there is a few things i wish i could change. Guess i have to learn to love it!

Also the band is Legion
