Drudkh - Lebedynyy Shylyakh


Be still, O wand'rer!
Apr 26, 2002

[size=-1]Fantastic third album full of pagan fury, now both faster and folkier than its elite predecessor, blending dreamy melancholy and black rage. Superior musicianship, crystalline production, raw bite, and radical ideology. Comes with an attractive twelve-page booklet with lyrics taken from the poetry of Ukraine's great poet, ardent patriot, and thinker, Taras Shevchenko.

12 page booklet! Compare that to AA....

By the way, Demilich, this is $17.98 USD retail. ;)
Wow that's a nice cover, why do BM bands "always" have to make vinyl releases in black and white? That picture would have looked pretty damn stunning in 12" format ;[
So there IS a split coming out soon? Cool, I was just guessing that you might have a split project going on, considering every single underground extreme metal band in the world (that aren't really well established) release splits all the time. Issit with

1) Koldbrann
2) LJå
3) Armagedda
4) Woods Of Infinity


5) Sven Ingvars?
I heard the Nasheim split was going to be with mullet-extraordinaire Günther and he was going to contribute some "ta-la-lahms" and "ding-ding-dongs" to the Nasheim side.
Does anybody actually have an original Drudkh Swan Road release, or is everyone judging by the MP3s?

After hearing the first song, I can't believe how bad the drums sound when compared to AA. For me, that was one of the highlights...but anyway, I won't judge on MP3 rips, especially from vinyl.

My order has been placed either way.
On the first listen right now.

Uhhhhh what? This sounds fucking awful. Think I'll skip the first track, wait, I think it's about to get cool. Nope, I was wrong. What the fuck happened to the awesome vocals? Where the fuck are the fucking.... gah. Fuck these vocals suuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuck, that was a big part of what made Autumn Aurora so amazing.

First impression = majorly disappointed. I'll definitely be giving this multiple listens before passing judgment, but right now this is pretty craptastic. Doesn't even sound like Drudkh.
Riffs are getting better, starting to sound like Drudkh (along with godlike guitar tone). Not digging the blastbeats, and fucking HATING the vocals. Cool leads.

More time and attention needed. These vocals are pretty close to hopeless though, blah.
Erik said:

Lolz. I am SOOOO going to tell all my friends that Nasheim is coming out with a new THREE WAY SPLIT (am I correct? Am I correct?). Not that there is any point in doing so, considering none of my fellow heavy metallers have heard of you. But still. I may come off as very underground and "in the know".
Erik said:
Dude. Shit. I didn't even fucking realize that it wasn't official that we were actually releasing a split. I didn't actually mean to make that public yet, but sometimes my brain works in mysterious ways (read: not at all) so obviously I thought I had already told you. YOU SIR HAVE PWNT ME

Yes, we're releasing a split, and no, it's not with any of the above (we're not Satanic like Sven Ingvars)

I don't think you have to feel owned, I knew of it (and I'm almost certain that I haven't dreamt or made it up for myself), I think you mentioned it somewhere back in the old Nasheim thread... I think :D (Damn, now I'm getting uncertain, what if I made it up unconsiously o_O )
I think what happened was that the guy from Hate Forest did the vocals on the first two albums and they let Thurios , Astrofaes vocalist, do vocals on this one. Ive always liked Astrofaes vocals though, so they havent bothered me on The Swan Road.