drum programming test


Feb 18, 2008
hey guys,

i ust did a quick test on something i read here some time ago.
usually i program the bassdrum and snare exactly on the grid,
the rest is slightly off...sounds better this way IMHO.
today i tried to set the bassdrum and snare slightly off the grid also.
what do you think? which one sounds better?



I say test 01 mainly because I'm always going to edit snare and kick (and maybe toms) to the grid if I were recording real drums, at least for really tight metal stuff. Usually I'll tend to worry more about velocities when trying to get drum programming to sound real, but off the grid cymbals is definitely a plus since drummers always hit kick first than cymbal rather than at the same time.
thanks for listening! :)

yeah, i did not touch the velocities yet.
i just wanted to hear if anyone prefers the off grid version.
for me it sounds too sloppy and i am trying to find out why.
am i just used to 100% perfect rogrammed drums or do i have
a very sensitive ear/ rythm feeling? (i don't think so actually:D)

Yeah seriously I don't get why, especially now that Dropbox has been around for quite a while now, people still upload to file sharing websites. Really, really annoying.
Yeah Dropbox that bad boy, I feel uncertain about sites like that.

I program drums with drumagog, the Random multi sample really makes them sound super real. and Dynamic sampling too ha