Drum verb


Noisey B*****d
Dec 5, 2005
Hey guys Im still not happy with the verb I use on my drums, its ok but just not there yet. Im using TLSpace in PTLE and using the IR's from noisevault but I still cant get that 'pro' verb sound. I generally have an eq before the verb on the aux channel but Im not happy with the results Im getting.
What IR'S would you reccomend how are you doing it?


1. Use D-verb, get used to that and then move on to TL Space.

2. Automate the predelay and diffusion values. Would make it sound much more natural. If you find it too time-consuming use the write-mode and play around with your mouse. It's fun. :heh:

3. Definitely use an EQ after the verb.

Cheers! :heh:
Cheers guys. The verb Im aiming for is pretty much what you hear on stuff like Machine Head, Arch Enemy ect. I can get close with the 'Large wooden room' patch from the lex 960 IR's but Im still not really happy with it. In fact I used that 960 patch on this track: http://www.myspace.com/deadrival
but I wasnt really overjoyed with it.
Any ideas?

If you're going for that Sneap verb (which is my favorite), forget the IR's. Use Ambience VST (my favorite) or Freeverb2 (very popular among some around here). Both are free/donation ware. They will get you really close to what you're after.
+1 to Freeverb2

I heard it mentioned in another post and checked it out, it was exactly what I was looking for for drum reverb.
When EQing after the verb, do you set the reverb as a send or an insert?

Unless I'm misunderstanding you...as a send. I'll almost always put reverb on an effects bus (send). Although sometimes I'll use reverb as an insert on a delay, to help diffuse it a little (or just send the delay to the reverb).
Unless I'm misunderstanding you...as a send. I'll almost always put reverb on an effects bus (send). Although sometimes I'll use reverb as an insert on a delay, to help diffuse it a little (or just send the delay to the reverb).

Well, I always use reverb as a send. But how do you go about putting an EQ after it, as another send or do you just buss it and EQ it there?
D-Verb Room 1 is my current go to. Check that shit out man. Don't set the decay too long. It doesn't sound like a room, but it sounds good.
Why is Freeverb2 good for drums? Not trying to be an ass and question everything, just wanna know what makes it a good reverb for drums. Hell, I'd like to know what makes a reverb good for a particular instrument... what would a reverb that is good for drums have, opposed to a reverb that is not good for drums?
Why is Freeverb2 good for drums? Not trying to be an ass and question everything, just wanna know what makes it a good reverb for drums. Hell, I'd like to know what makes a reverb good for a particular instrument... what would a reverb that is good for drums have, opposed to a reverb that is not good for drums?

For reverbs in general I judge them by the "smoothness" of the the tail especially at longer lengths and also how metallic or springy they sound which when they are isn't a good thing IMO. I also appreciate when they have a built in eq or high pass which speeds up and improves the workflow greatly for me.