Drumagog interference help?


New Metal Member
Jan 16, 2011
Ive just purchased drumagog and am using it in the fruity loops piano roll (i find it easier to do drum tracks in FL, i find the reaper piano roll very awkward) and for some reason keep getting random glitches, pops etc in the exported mp3..
here it is:

Any ideas on whats causing this?:/

Also, Im aware the kit sound isnt great, im just experimenting with it at the moment (although any tips you may have would be welcome and appreciated) , havn't even set dynamic groups yet, nor do I know how to do it effectivley..
Okay Ive sorted out the noise problem, but now Ive got an even more irritating one.
Im building a kit at the moment (snare, hats, kick, toms etc on seperate channels) but when I save the .gog it only saves velocity group one :/
anyone know how to save so it keeps it all? Ive googled it and cant seem to find a solution..
Also it dosnt trigger anything faster than a 16th note at about 165 tempo..
Id really appreciate an answer because I dont want to shell out for another program :/

While Drumagog isn't primarily designed to be used as a virtual synth to play back MIDI tracks, using its MIDI input can be used to do what you're describing. It isn't as streamlined as BFD or Superior Drummer would be at playing back a full drum kit.

I'm not sure exactly what's happening when you're trying to save your .gog file--a .gog file can have an unlimited number of dynamic groups, but you mention this after attempting to set up a whole kit. Keep in mind, one instance of Drumagog can only play back one sound at a time (i.e. kick, snare, tom, etc.). Therefore, a .gog file should only contain samples for that one sound.

WaveMachine Labs
Update: I just opened a MIDI track in Cubase with 16th notes at 200+ BPM and Drumagog seemed to be triggering fine. One thing I can suggest is to make sure the durations of each MIDI note is short enough that they don't overlap.