

New Metal Member
Mar 19, 2002
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I listen to some metal album that uses drummachines and the result is pretty good.. is very similar to a real dummer (not too similar but..). Do you know some good drummachine software or hardware? it is easy to programming drums??
I am also interested in buying a new drum machine. I have a Boss DR-202 that I am selling pretty soon. I am probably getting a Boss DR-670 or DR-770. I am very impressed with both those units. They are great for a variety of music. The DR-202 is for Hip-Hop. Don't ask me why I ever bought it. I guess I didn't do my research. If anybody has other suggestions let me know as well.
I've got a Boss DR 550, but find it really tedious to program - I really need a drummer!
Dammit people!
Don't be cheap or anti-social, just get a fucking drummer!
We're not that hard to find. You can pick us up at the nearest bar or music shop.
Actually drummers are really hard to find especially good ones and when you do find good ones their assholes and quit your band 3 days later
good drummers are really hard to find. and then to find one you get along with and that gets excited about music, fuckin tough.

albums with drum machines: anaal nathrakh uses a drum machine, mortician does, limbonic art, i think the vintesorg might (except on the newest one), mysticum sounds like a machine to me. thats all i can think of off the top of my head.
no morningrise has a real drummer ,anders(amazing job)...other albums with drum machines , brave murder day , diabolical masquerades last one and summonings minas morgul.
I had a Boss DR-660, and it worked really well. There's a lot of room to tweak the sounds to your liking, and it's really pretty versatile as far as programming patterns- you can program it to go exactly on the beat or have it let you play in real time and it records whatever you play even if it's off beat. Once you get the logic of the machine down, it's very easy to use. The only thing I had problems with was programming metronome marking changes into a song program. Never did figure that out.

It's a great machine for demoing stuff at home or working out ideas to take to a band. I'll probably be buying another one since my last one was taken.

Don't know much about the DR-770 other than it's a bit better, has more memory (which I ran out of sometimes, so that's good) and costs more.

And I'm pretty sure the last Vintersorg (Cosmic Genesis?) was a drum machine.