Drumsamples like In Sorte Diaboli? Anyone?


May 10, 2006
Any one got drums samples that are similar to the Dimmu Borgir album In Sorte Diaboli? I'd be really happy so find some.. They sound almost like Pantera kicks and toms.. Scooped out mid.
This Dimmu kick as well as the COB one on that thread are the best "beater" samples I have found, but how do you people blend it to get a "fuller" kick sample? I've used Audacity to blend the COB sample with another sample I found on somewhere on the sneap forum called "kickpro", but it still ain't near perfect. If you want to hear it and offer me some help, go to my previously ignored thread from a week back:

That’s really cool I posted kick samples way way back, I think there was about 30 odd kicks I had collected from various metal bands. I never thought the pros would be using similar methods. Anyone know how Pantera came about getting that kick drum sound to begin with?
i might sound like a total retard here, but is the actual kick on that album the pantera kick or are u just suggesting it sounds close because i always thought it sounded similar.

I´ve been thinking about that too... Especially since the pantera kick is mentioned in the thread about Machine Head´s The More Things Change as well. It just sounds weird that a pro would rip a kick from another mastered cd.. It´s like if the world´s best pizza dude would bake a pizza using already baked topping from a domino pizza before shoving it into the oven.
...Also Arcturus' Shipwrecked in Oslo DVD for HH's triggered goodness. But I must say, the ultra-triggered sound worked much better in the spacey atmosphere of Arcturus than in Dimmu. I think HH should use a slightly fatter bass drum in Dimmu as his kick on ISD can cause ear fatigue after a while...for comparison, Nick Barker's kit in Death Cult is fucking killer.