Drunk Horse – In Tongues


Jul 15, 2001
The starry attic
Drunk Horse – In Tongues
Tee Pee Records – 2005
By Russell Garwood


Drunk Horse namedrop influences as diverse as Mile Davis, Mahavishnu Orchestra, ZZ Top and Jesus Lizard, which surprises me because I very rarely hear any fusion in their sound. The ZZ Top reference, however, is spot on. Here we have some pure hard-rock, with occasional hints of country, metal and blues. An unoriginal but highly effective mix, this creates an unapologetically good fun, undiluted rock record. The fuzzy guitars have lots of memorable riffs and melody, while occasional slide and dual lines add variation. Under this the crashing drums and powerful bass create a good skeleton for the occasional guitar noodlings and stripped-down sound. The vocals over this comprise hoarse singing, entirely fitting to the sound. Final track skyDog is by far and away the most interesting track on the album, being the only that experiments with the style, and adds more instrumentation; prior to this the songs can begin to feel samey.

All of this is topped off by decent production, making for a solid release. While In Tongues proves to be nothing you haven’t heard before, it is good fun, and well executed. Hard rock and classic metal fans could do worse than checking Drunk Horse out.


Official Tee Pee Records website
Official Drunk Horse website