Drunk memories

It was a Simhat Torah at the Moroccan synagogue in the Upper East Side during the evening part of the celebration.
I had about a flask full of scotch, half a bottle of arak, and about 5 large cups of wine (it was actually a really good wine from what I remember, but the guy at the synagogue poured it into one of those huge red party cups when I just asked for water!), but I was still pretty sober.
So I see this extraordinarily beautiful woman, and I try to flirt with her, but this guy comes up to me and tells me, in Hebrew, that it's his wife. I apologize of course, and I tell him I wouldn't have said anything to her if I would have known.
About 5 minutes later, this guy grabs my shoulder, so I grab his shirt and asked if he wanted something (I think I even said it as if I was talking to a woman). Then he tells me to come with him, and he takes me to the front of the synagogue where there a bunch of guys holding bottles and bottles of arak. He takes two bottles and hands one over to me (it was about 3/4 full). Then he clinks his bottle with mine, and we say lehaim.

(oh yeah, I was really hungover and dehydrated for a few days after that)
my best drunk memories include smashing a glass in my face (i was meant to headbutt my mate's hand and i kind of missed alot) and pissing in a river on some ducks in the dark.

yeah i decided to stop drinking so much after those fun times.
my worse was when i passed out in a pool and woke up covered in puke and piss. (my own of course lol)

my best would be when teh drunk chicks are wasted, tripping over things, and makin out with each other