Dubya's Impeachment--any gamblers?


May 10, 2005
Calais, Maine (not France)
Looks to me like the Dems are hyping this whole attorney thing in order to set a trap for George W's impeachment. Perhaps if he resists subpoenas or other strong-arm tactics, Rep. Conyers and the attack dogs of the Senate will launch into George W. for obstructing justice and attempt to impeach him for it.

Just a thought.

Anyway, here's an article that supports my theory.

WASHINGTON (AP) - A House panel on Wednesday approved subpoenas for President Bush's political adviser, Karl Rove and other top White House aides, setting up a constitutional showdown over the firings of eight federal prosecutors.

By itself, it seems like an ineffective charge.

By voice vote, the House Judiciary subcommittee on commercial and administrative law decided to compel the president's top aides to testify publicly and under oath about their roles in the firings.

Here's where it gets sticky.

The White House has refused to budge in the controversy, standing by embattled Attorney General Alberto Gonzales and insisting that the firings were appropriate. White House spokesman Tony Snow said that in offering aides to talk to the committees privately, Bush had sought to avoid the "media spectacle" that would result from public hearings with Rove and others at the witness table.

George W. avoiding a media spectacle is like Rosie keeping her mouth shut--an impossibility!

"The question they've got to ask themselves is, are you more interested in a political spectacle than getting the truth?" Snow said of the overture Tuesday that was relayed to Capitol Hill by White House counsel Fred Fielding.

Funny thing is, he was saying that to a bunch of media hounds.

"There must be accountability," countered subcommittee Chairwoman Linda Sanchez, D-Calif.

So says one of the dumbest idiots ever to "serve" in congress.

The Senate Judiciary Committee scheduled a vote Thursday on its own set of subpoenas, with Democrats complaining that the threat of force is the only way to get a straight answer from the White House.

They came into power on threats and bluster. That's how they rule!

"The White House is in a bunker mentality—won't listen, won't change," said Sen. Dianne Feinstein, D-Calif. "I believe there is even more to come out, and I think it's our duty to bring it out."

Based on your innate perception and unmatched intellect, Senator, I suppose we have no choice except agree!

The House subcommittee Wednesday approved, but has not issued, subpoenas for Rove, former White House Counsel Harriet Miers, their deputies and Kyle Sampson, Gonzales' chief of staff, who resigned over the uproar last week.

What weak-kneed idiots we have these days. Charles "The Finger-breaker" Schumer barks like a Pekinese, and these guys run for the hills!

The panel also voted to compel the production of documents related to the firings from those officials and Gonzales, Fielding and White House chief of staff Joshua Bolton. Fielding a day earlier refused to provide Congress internal White House communications on the subject.

I think internal leaks will be good enough.

The full Judiciary Committee would authorize the subpoenas if Chairman John Conyers of Michigan chose to do so.

How does a two-year elector position get held by the same fat bastard for what, 40 years?!

Authorizing the subpoenas "does provide this body the leverage needed to negotiate from a position of strength," said Rep. William Delahunt, D-Mass.

Always tough talk from these guys. Wish I heard some of that from that adorable kitten ex-speaker Denny Hastert.

Republicans called the authorization premature, though some GOP members said they would consider voting to approve the subpoenas if Conyers promises to issue them only if he has evidence of wrongdoing.

Naturally. Sell-outs!

Conyers agreed. "This (authority) will not be used in a way that will make you regret your vote."

Oh! we can call bet on that! $25 on the brotha from Chicago!

Several Republicans said, "No" during the voice vote, but no roll call was taken.

Right. Their opinions are not needed here.

For his part, Bush remained resolute. Would he fight Democrats in court to protect his aides against congressional subpoenas? "Absolutely," Bush declared.

That's just what Conyers wants to hear.

Bush said Tuesday he worried that allowing testimony under oath would set a precedent on the separation of powers that would harm the presidency as an institution.

No, just his presidency.

If neither side blinks, the dispute could end up in court—ultimately the Supreme Court—in a politically messy development that would prolong what Bush called the "public spectacle" of the Justice Department's firings, and public trashings, of the eight U.S. attorneys.

Good! Better this sort of nonsense is all over the front pages of our newspapers than, say, Iraq.

Bush defended Gonzales against demands from congressional Democrats and a handful of Republicans that Gonzales resign. "He's got support with me," Bush said. "I support the attorney general."

Oi! If I was Gonzaleth I would consider resigning after hearing that...

Democrats say the prosecutors' dismissals were politically motivated. Gonzales initially had asserted the firings were performance-related, not based on political considerations.

I wonder why anyone cares...

But e-mails released earlier this month between the Justice Department and the White House contradicted that assertion and led to a public apology from Gonzales over the handling of the matter.

An apology from anyone about anything is a good thing these days.

The e-mails showed that Rove, as early as Jan. 6, 2005, questioned whether the U.S. attorneys should all be replaced at the start of Bush's second term, and to some degree worked with Miers and Sampson to get some prosecutors dismissed.

They should have! Clear out the dead wood! Couldn't agree more!

Still, if Bush finally decides to get some balls, I am betting this is NOT the time to do it. Schumer is winding up his left foot for a punt in Dubya's direction...

Bets, anyone?

The baseless attacks from the left just don't stop. Nor does the hypocrisy. Clinton fires 93 lawyers and nobody on the right side of the aisle got moist about it. It is laughable that the dismissal of 8 has the Dems running in circles.
For liberal democrats, any excuse is a good excuse. I would like to know what the 8 lawyers were fired over. Obviously it wasn't for the wrongful prosecution of the 3 border patrol guards that a currently rotting in jail... for doing their jobs.

IF, and its a big if, they do somehow get impeachment proceedings going for G.W., he will be out of office by the time they really get started and some other poor schmuck will begin his term of scrutiny... its a sad fucked up world we live in.
IF, and its a big if, they do somehow get impeachment proceedings going for G.W., he will be out of office by the time they really get started and some other poor schmuck will begin his term of scrutiny... its a sad fucked up world we live in.

That pretty much says it all............
IF, and its a big if, they do somehow get impeachment proceedings going for G.W., he will be out of office by the time they really get started and some other poor schmuck will begin his term of scrutiny... its a sad fucked up world we live in.


Not only will it be a complete waste of time, but it will be a complete waste of money also.
A bit like Iraq

we've actually seen some tangible evidence to the contrary coming out of Iraq [no matter what the MSM wants us to believe].
free elections, schools being built, a dictator gone... these are all good things.
Iraq had schools, hospitals and such...until the United States destroyed them in the bombings.
we've actually seen some tangible evidence to the contrary coming out of Iraq [no matter what the MSM wants us to believe].
free elections, schools being built, a dictator gone... these are all good things.
'Free elections'???? :puke:

If any other country in the world held elections whilst under miltary occupation the US would scream 'unfair', 'illegitimate', 'biased' etc etc etc.....particularly if was occupation by a country other then the US.

Iraq is an unmitigated disaster, polticially, economically, miltarily and every other way.
Washington Post:
A report published last month by the government and the United Nations put the unemployment rate at 27 percent. But many experts here say the actual number is probably closer to 50 percent or more because the survey was not conducted in some of the least stable parts of the country and because many Iraqis work unreliable part-time jobs.

UN Report:
"Nearly 5.6 millions Iraqis are living below the poverty line, according to our most recent studies. At least 40 percent of this number is living in absolute and desperate deteriorated conditions," said Sinan Youssef, a senior official in the strategy department of the Ministry of Labour and Social Affairs, adding that this level of poverty is a 35 percent increase over the level before 2003.

Compounding the unemployment problem is the fact that the price of basic necessities in Iraq has skyrocketed over the past year. A report by Iraq's central office for statistics cited by NGO Coordination Committee for Iraq (NCCI) suggests a 70 percent rate of inflation from July 2005 to July 2006.

Breakdowns, of course, are not something consumers want to hear about, although they are used to them. Power supplies across the country range from up to 20 hours a day in the Sulimaniyeh area in the north to as little as six hours a day in Baghdad. Many homes in the capital rely on local generators for power.In fact, nationwide the distribution of power has improved, and is again approaching pre-war levels

Veterns For America report:
Recently released statistics from the Ministry indicate that only 30 percent of Iraq’s 3.5 million students are currently attending classes. According to the Ministry of Education, 2006 is the worst year for school attendance since US-led coalition forces invaded Iraq in 2003. The immediate post-war level of attendance in 2003 was almost 100 percent.

I post these because we are not doing a good job in Iraq, we had one hell of a war plan and we executed that perfectly BUT we had no exit plan or rebuilding plan. Not only did we unstabilize the region but we are screwing the lives of the iraqi people because theres no plan, or a good one anyway. And those people, and their children are going to remember that the US caused their situation-we basically bombed them back into the stone age-and that can cause alot of resentment and hatred directed towards our country, and these people, as time has told us, have no problem strapping dynamite to themselves and walking into a mall. This so called war for the freedom for the iraqi people so far has come back to bite us on the ass and will continue to do so for the foreseeable future

And please dont try to paint this post as some tree hugging liberal democratic babble because I have almost as conservative and right wing values as they come, and yes I did serve my country, yes I vote, and yes I support our nations troop deployments when the target and outcome is logical and planned for. Perhaps if Bush had gone after Bin Laden alittle harder instead of jumping to Iraq before the Afghanistan mission was completed people would be alittle more supportive. When we went to Iraq the world was with us in our cause and now we face the battle alone.
Maybe we could cure the Iraqi unemployment rate by hiring them to rebuild all of the schools and hospitals that America ('cause we're the only ones there) destroyed.
Who am I kidding. With a Dem run congress and the possibility of a Dem POTUS. We can just put them all on public assistance. That's the way they do it in NY if you don't want to work. .
Maybe we could cure the Iraqi unemployment rate by hiring them to rebuild all of the schools and hospitals that America ('cause we're the only ones there) destroyed.

Not a bad idea considering the coalition of the willing werent so willing after all.
When Iraq's new dictator comes to power, I'm sure that he will build new schools. It's just too bad that they will be fundamentalist Islamic schools.

The schools will be teaching..."Death to America".

I think the world was safer when Saddam was in charge of his mostly secular Government. The future Shiite dictator will be just as bad for Iraq, and exponentially worse for the entire world.