dudes and dudettes i am now sad :(


guitar deity
Jul 31, 2002
New England
after i got home from work i was greeted by the news that Dr. Metal from 94.1 WHJY was at the show to introduce Great White and as of right now he is still missing.

I always thought this was sad but now I found out I have a personal connection to it and now I am a wreck. :(

For those who don't know. Dr. Metal has been doing the Metal Zone, a two hour metal show on the big radio station WHJY for over ten years. He not only provided me with much entertainment during my college years, but he also inspired me to get my own metal show at the college and not ony that but he hooked me up with radio contacts, stopped by my show for an interview(which I still have on tape), and became a general mentor to me in getting hooked into the metal scene. He even told me where to go and what time to go to meet bruce dickinson before his show at the Strand.

He helped to have a good reason to be a loser on Saturday nights and not go out and drink like every other normal college person around me. I always cherished listening to his show on the night we set the clocks back because he always got an extra hour and at 2AM when we set the clock back to 1 he would play Iron Maiden's "Deja Vu" every year.

Maybe its the fact I was at the wake of a friend's grandmother and maybe its because of the wine or maybe its because i am an over-emotional bitch but i am just all shook up.

this tragedy sucks. i feel bad for everyone who died there.
I don't know if this is much help, but I always felt writing songs, or just practicing guitar helps sooth my emotions. I too am over emotional at times, and like its so fucked cuz like this can happen anywhere. I have to many clubs where shit like that almost happened. It's scary that the place went up in 3 minutes, I cant even get out of a show in under 10 mins innormal circumstances.
I'll skip talking about Doc. We interacted once. He misunderstood my intentions. End of story.
Anyhow... I am shite at this consolation bit. Greg... I've enjoyed your work over the years. If you'd like me to repay you for that in some small measure by buying you a drink or some pancakes during this rough time, feel free to PM me or something.
Sorry but I haven't the foggiest idea what else to say.

thorns: yeah i will definitely be doing some guitar playing once i get sober.

kleo: its cool man, thanks for the thoughts.

i am doing a bit better but the radio station said there was no new news on the doc so we can still hope.
Hey, no problem man. I've got a bilogical brother with a friend in ICU I'm watching out for. Gladly add a metal brother or two to the list. Just don't demand I wear leather chaps if you take me up on that drink.

shit...I heard some radio personaltiy was missing earlier, and wondered briefly if you had ever interacted. Had they said his name was DOCTOR METAL, I would have immediately known.

sux dude. you get mad symps.