Dumb question(ezdrummer)drumagog


Sep 21, 2005
New York
It's probably been explained a million times here but I seem to be missing something. I know how to use ezdrummer multichannel w/drumagog to trigger kick and snare....they each have one channel, but on the toms...there's 5 channels on the mixer in ezdrummer but only one(channel 5) on my bus out....so the question is, how do I replace toms using the one channel...or do I load 5 drumagog's on the same channel? Thanks in advance.
You'll have to either change the channels that each tom outputs to, which would mean grouping together some of the other things instead, or you can bounce the toms tracks down to wavs (each tom seprately) then put drumagog on the tracks with the wavs and mute all the toms in ezdrummer. That's how I do it anyway, maybe there is an easier way.
Can't you load up however many aux tracks you need for the toms, put drumagog on each of them, and set drumagog to accept midi notes; each aux track being triggered by whatever note triggers the different toms?

Never worked with EZDrummer, but I'm pretty sure that would work fine