dumbest thing you ever did

Jul 20, 2006
Lanford, IL
panicked and i jumped out of a three story window from an apartment building cause i thought the cops were after me. turned out it was a joke from some kid who thoughtd it be funny to freak me out. long fall though. that was pretty dumb i guess

but anyway.....

back in the day, when i played football....

running full speed, charged somone with my head down who was also running full speed....

i fractured my spine in three places.

having three girls going at the same time (which will probably come crashing down on me frightiningly soon...)

i have a lot of material for this thread...:lol:
A friend and I were hanging out and I thought it would be a brilliant idea to jump though the drivers seat window into the car nascar style, but faster. I got through the opening but kicked off(totally smashing the socket) the blinker/light lever, locking the left blinker and brights on in the middle of the night. Cost me a cool $100 to get that shit fixed. Not the dumbest, but still pretty dumb.
i long time ago i was stoned and called a friends house at 3:30 in the morning. he lives with his dad. (they all go to bed very early). his dad picked up and as quite angry.
at least it was a he and not a she. i imagine he's be quite pissed then.

these are good , keep em comin.

let's see , another dumb thing well this happened to my friends but they were drinkin one night and were drunk and threw a bottle in the street and it just so happened to hit the cop car that was going to check out the situation. i was on the phone with them when i heard the sirens in the backgorund. there were drunk and runnign through pitch black woods from the cops at midnight. they were hiding when i called back again and the cops heard the ringtone. luckily they managed to just barely escape. those assholes all ditched eachother though
I was wildly swinging a bat in the air, trying to kill a bee with it and accidentally hit my brother's shoulder, causing a fracture and ligament damage.
i picked up a trash bag (out of a pile of about ten) and the one i happened to pick had a wine bottle in it. i swung it and hit my brother, and the wine bottle nailed him in the temple.

but karma got me back, when i was bringing the trash out and another wine bottle was in it, and a glass shard cut my leg wide open.
me and my friends once played paintbal...from our cars. and i had a lincoln with a sunroof that one could stand up in. it was halloween and they were chasing us shooting up my whole car at like 30 mph and we were trying to shoot back. then i made a turn and they pulled out the gun right in front of the cops. the cops caught them and shit up the inside of his car like assholes and then took his gun. i floored it, but still it was pretty scary and retarted and fun as hell. notice alot of the dumbest things ive ever done had to do with alcohol / or involving running from cops or both.
I shot myself in the hand in boot camp.

Three months later i got shot from friendly fire in the same hand.

I did something quite similar to Nemesis Lxix. I caused a blackout in a village. Some friends and I were throwing big water balloons as high as we could, I had the last one so I threw it as high as I could not realising it headed straight for a high voltage electric pole, it hit the part where the cables and the pole intersect, and we saw some pretty impressive firework lol:p...so we ran back to the restaurant where we were having lunch (with our parents) and realised there was no power at the restaurant, and the whole village.
P.S. I was about 13;)
Evil? said:
Have you lost any function in that hand?

We'll the first time was a UZI blooping a bullit out and it was not more than a "scratch" .

Second time was a Kolt - 45. that one did damage my bone real bad but i recoverd after 50 days. though i do get random pains every now and than.
Falconspirit said:

I did something quite similar to Nemesis Lxix. I caused a blackout in a village. Some friends and I were throwing big water balloons as high as we could, I had the last one so I threw it as high as I could not realising it headed straight for a high voltage electric pole, it hit the part where the cables and the pole intersect, and we saw some pretty impressive firework lol:p...so we ran back to the restaurant where we were having lunch (with our parents) and realised there was no power at the restaurant, and the whole village.
P.S. I was about 13;)

This is much like what we did.We were hanging out at a very popular place (filled with clubs and bars) and after several beers we decided to get back home.It was about 5:00 in the morning so,most of the cubs were full.On the way I notice that a high voltage poll had no lock on the lever so two of my friends pulled it up.
There were some buzzing and the night turned into day and we were all like “HOLY SHIT !”and then everything went black !
The traffic lights went out,all the lights in the stores went out some cars stopped and the drivers started to yell at us and we all started to run at my buddy’s place that was near by.The next morning we found out that most night clubs had no power,so basically we ruined Saturday night for many trends and that was the only good thing I can think of.

This was 4 years ago,when I was 16.