Dumpy&Juney invite you to the blessed union of...



Buster the Bodycrab and his beloved Bernita the Bodycrab....the wedding will take place in the dumpster behind Sunset Bowl on Easter Sunday.Music will be provided by The Athlete's Foot Fetish Fuckers, the will be playing their hit single "Ointment of Love". Buster and Bernita met in a pool of sick during our last filthy ankle worship session. My rancid man chowder was the breeding ground for their sweet, slow, lovemaking. Juney and I are so proud to be best man and filthmaiden of dishonor...please all RSVP
no shit Easter was 2 weeks ogo..they're getting married next year...maybe a long engagement, but that's the way bodycrabs like it aha aha
Can you believe I get to be the filthmaiden of dishoner??? I never thought it would happen, have just the perfect encrusted roach holed dress to wear, allowing my gorgeous scabs to show all. If you come, please do bring beers in bowling pin bottles!