Duncan's looking for another guitarist...

Dead Winter

Apr 30, 2002
So a very dear friend of mine happens to be very good friends with Duncan Patterson (Anathema, Alternative 4, Antimatter) and she keeps pushing me to try out as she's thrown my name in the hat, but I don't think I'm the right person for the job. I've never played at that level before. Aside from the "just do it anyway!" sentiment, what do you guys think? I'd also have to take a plane to practice.
Well, I guess if you want to get children beaten, you've got to do it yourself!

The opportunity is everything everyone's always waiting for... you have it. Practice a lot all of the songs... There's the fun anyway.

Then take the plane. The worst you are going to get is a 'no' (and maybe 2 plane tickets). But if you think that you have a good guitar level (they are not Loomis) go there. And you're going to have a great story to tell after this. Or you are going to be guitar player in an awesome project.
Actually I think that's just Danny and Vinnie...Duncan left after Alternative 4

And this one:

And this one:

And this one

And this one

And pretty much all the awesome Anathema stuff before Judgement
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Yep. I'm gonna look into it but I don't think it's feasible. I'll write him and see what he's looking for exactly just to touch base. It's a logistical nightmare, and I dunno if I'm underestimating myself or my friend is just overestimating me...it's most probably the latter. Those guys are like gods to me, especially Duncan. There's gonna be an Antimatter/Alternative 4 tour later this year...to think of myself mixed up in that is almost laughable.