Dying fetus


i'm sciencing as fast as i can
Apr 21, 2003
Am i the only one that doesn't like this band? I have spoken with people about them... and they seem to love em... i dont see what so great about them... your thoughts?
Most people on this board seem to think that Dying Fetus suck. I don't think they suck, but there are many, many death metal bands out there that are better than they are. Dying Fetus are fun to listen to once in a while. Their music is catchy as hell. Killing on Adrenaline is their only album that I really like.
They are alrite. Way too hardcorish, but not bad really. They could be a lot better if they concentrated less on being jumpdafukup and more on ripping out guts.
Life Sucks said:
Their music is catchy as hell.

Extremely catchy. I always blast these guys from my car stereo speakers, un-ashamedly, even at stop lights. 'Killing On Adrenaline' and 'Purification Through Violence' are must-haves.

Average/bad band...earlier the better, but that's really not saying much (considering even Infatuation With Malevolence, their best material ever produced, is still only decent).
Edgecrusher said:
Extremely catchy. I always blast these guys from my car stereo speakers, un-ashamedly, even at stop lights. 'Killing On Adrenaline' and 'Purification Through Violence' are must-haves.


Edgecrusher said:
Extremely catchy. I always blast these guys from my car stereo speakers, un-ashamedly, even at stop lights. 'Killing On Adrenaline' and 'Purification Through Violence' are must-haves.


I've always hated you...

Thanks for putting your finger on why.
Thraxz said:
I've always hated you...

Thanks for putting your finger on why.

hah, now i know why i stopped coming to this forum. faggot self proclaimed elitists like yourself. detesting others based on musical tastes really puts you at peace, am i correct? go outside and make a fucking friend or something...
Funeral Portrait said:
hah, now i know why i stopped coming to this forum. faggot self proclaimed elitists like yourself. detesting others based on musical tastes really puts you at peace, am i correct? go outside and make a fucking friend or something...

as you can see nothing has changed please leave again