Dysrhythmia - Psychic Maps


Jan 22, 2009
The new guitarist in my band just showed me these dudes and their new album, Psychic Maps, is just awesome. I've gotten massively into Mastodon over the past 6 months and some of Dysrhythmia's stuff reminds me of them in places. The production is absolutely amazing in my opinion although there's probably loads of people who are going to think its lacking huuuuge drums and quadtracked guitars.


Its super prog/experimental kind of vibes.

I can't get enough of the Psychic Minds production! I think they're looking to do a european tour so I'll have to get down to a London date if it happens. Have you seen them live before James?
I can't get enough of the Psychic Minds production! I think they're looking to do a european tour so I'll have to get down to a London date if it happens. Have you seen them live before James?

I'm not James, but I've seen them live a few times and one of my bands played with Behold...the Arctopus which features the bassist from Dysrhythmia on Warr guitar. They are amazing and really nice dudes.
no, i've not caught them live yet. i hope to. i very sadly missed the farewell tour of another fave band of mine, Burst.... so i surely hope Dysrhtyhmia don't pack it in before i get to see them.
I'm not James, but I've seen them live a few times and one of my bands played with Behold...the Arctopus which features the bassist from Dysrhythmia on Warr guitar. They are amazing and really nice dudes.

Dude, that's awesome - yeh I checked out that band yesterday. I think its a little bit toooooo hectic for me in places but its still good stuff.

no, i've not caught them live yet. i hope to. i very sadly missed the farewell tour of another fave band of mine, Burst.... so i surely hope Dysrhtyhmia don't pack it in before i get to see them.

Yeh... their myspace page says they're looking to book something in europe so I'm hoping that actually comes to fruition.

Do you guys get the feeling that some vox would have sat nicely in bits of their music?! I'm not saying that as criticism, I just noticed they'd added more melodic stuff on Psychic Maps so maybe that's why I'm getting that vibe... I still need to sit down and listen to their older material.

Also checked out the studio they recorded at and its owned by their bassist - kudos to him on the job he's done. The drums on this album are incredible! I'd love this dude to record my band!
^ yeh without a doubt that's so true. I suppose that with musicianship and creativity like they have they'd want a vocalist to match but this is all just theorising anyway. I can't stop listening to this album!
Weird that this came up. Going to see them tomorrow and I haven't really even listened to their stuff.:lol: