the lead guitars sound awesome. The kick is abit too fake or something; it could be alittle more natural sounding. The toms sound good. I like the sound of the rhythm guitars about halfway through.
I don't understand what you mean about the rhythm guitars, cause it's the same tone on all track, sorry, my english isn't that good hehe, is it the playing, the tone, the riifs? Yeah, you are right about the kick.

Cheers ;)
Goddamn it, you bastard. I was happy with my 5150... until now. :p

So, to answer your question, sounds awesome! There's still just a bit of that weird lower mid honk, though... are you still using the 808? I'd suggest trying it without it... as Kazrog recently discovered, the 530 does just fine without a TS.
Nice....i liked it...the song and the sound.....
Leads are great.....
The only thing that bugged me was the cymbals....extremely plastic and do not fill up the room .....especially if I compare it to all other drum sounds you have there....

Do you have the stock tubes on the e530?
Also..impulses or mic?


Nice tone .. I wanna buy one :erk:
HAHAHA, what do we have here? Football fans hehe ;) yeah Cristiano Ronaldo is from Madeira too and yes he's one of the best players around of the world. It,s funny cus you can't even see Madeira in a world map hehe. This island is so fu***g small.
Thanks for the comments

I like the way the guitars respond to your picking better without the TS, but it's not cutting through the toms quite as well. Are the guitars lower in the mix? If not, maybe you need to boost the lower mids a bit to push through. Also, try the contour switch; it gives the mids a boost in what could be the right places for your mix.
I read somewhere that the contour switch is better when you change the tubes (JJ) but I'm gonna try it. When you say lower mid, what range are you talking about exactlly? Between 200 and 1000 Hz? Thanks.

Not sure exactly, but I think around 400 Hz and below would probably increase the clarity of the notes the most... that's where the fundamental frequencies of most of the notes you're playing reside. Between 400 and about 1000 Hz, I feel like too much can sound boxy/honky, but I guess that's a matter of taste... I do like a nice healthy bump around 1000 Hz, but not to the point of overpowering what's above it, and any bumps below that (but above 400 Hz or so) just sound kind of weird to me, hahaha. Also, I find that the guitar tones I like on their own are not the same as what I like in a mix... if I have a guitar soloed, I almost always want to cut out some lower mids, but in the mix, I usually put them right back. :p

Also, check your PM!