Early Anthrax Demo


Mar 18, 2002
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:spin:I was thinkin' about the interview with Lonn from Metal Sludge on BTM. He mentions how Anthrax's early demos were pretty bad. If anyone is curious as to if this statement is true, I'll confirm it. I found an mp3 on Napster long ago of their song "Keg Party Girls." IT'S TERRIBLE! Alas, it's cool to hear the beginnings of a great band. Every band sucks at some point. I'm thinking this demo had Greg "White Lion" D'Angelo on it and possibly Greg Walls, cause it sure didn't sound like Spitz or Benante. Just thought it'd pass this info along. Take care, all!
Believe it or not, Now I've got Friggin in the Riggin in my head, just by reading the song title in your last post!!
There was a bunch of roadies
And this here is their story
A scurvy bunch of evil twits
Who never say they're sorry...
I've got a tape of Anthrax's demo, I don't know which demo it is, or when it was recorded, but it shreds man.

Track listing:

01 Across The River
02 Howling Furies
04 Pestilence
05 Satan's Wheels
06 Bud E Luvbomb And Satan's Lounge Band

I recorded it to mp3 just to have it on my computer, since that's where all my music is, obviously the quality lacks, but musically it's much like 80s metallica and other thrash from the era.