Early Finnish Death Metal


Something in My Eye
Jan 12, 2009
Why is it so fucking good? Discuss.

Some personal favorites:

Demilich - Nespithe

Adramelech - Spring of Recovery

Convulse - World Without God

Demigod - Slumber of Sullen Eyes

Cartilage - The Fragile Concept of Affection
All great albums for sure. I would like to add Privilege Of Evil, top three death metal EP of all time?
It's fascinating how the old school Finnish DM scene managed to sound so different from everything else, it really makes you wonder where the hell the inspiration for all those rather bizarre styles came from.
Yeah for some reason I've always felt there was a certain depth to Finnish DM that is unrivaled. I'm glad newer Finnish bands like Slugathor are trying to revive it while still staying somewhat fresh and original!

And as a Swede I can't believe I'm sitting here and praising those inferior Finns! But they do know how to make some quality fucking Death Metal
That Cartilage album rules.

Belial - Wisdom of Darkness
Belial - The Gods of the Pit pt. II (Paragon So Below)

There simply isn't enough Finnish death metal. They capture that original graveyard-essence of death metal better than Sweden, imo.
As a Fin it kills me that Sweden seems to have all the best bands. But we do have some goood dm.

Well, nothing competes with Gardens Of Grief and The Red In The Sky Is Ours imo (can't let little brother win after all :)), but other than that I'd say that Finnish death metal has many more quality bands than Swedish. There was a larger desire to find your own unique sound in Finland it seems.
Well, nothing competes with Gardens Of Grief and The Red In The Sky Is Ours imo (can't let little brother win after all :)), but other than that I'd say that Finnish death metal has many more quality bands than Swedish. There was a larger desire to find your own unique sound in Finland it seems.

I have to agree about the uniqueness thing, but my still heart beats harder for sweden.

Xsysma is one of my personal favs. Too bad cant find their shit anywhere
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What does everyone think of Phlegethon? I'm not a fan of EPs and best of compilations so I'm not sure which I should start off with.

Neutral Forest is pretty good, but I don't think it holds a candle to the other albums I posted IMO.