early roll call for vegas metalfest

people should stuff themselves in a hotel room to lower costs. I know I am. I am going with one person at the moment but like most hotels, they will allow a max of 4 people. I am mostly psyched for Suffocation,Vehemence(of course) and Impaled!!! \m/
Hah, and I thought only I could be sleazy enough to consider myself capable of getting 5000000 girls in the net for some serious bed time gymnastics, yeehaaw.
DAMN, minus a few small hassles, this show kicked fucking ass. The sound was incredible! Vehemence and Suffocation owned the show I would say, by far!

Suffocation was tight as fuck! They played some great songs, indeed!

P.S. we only made Saturday night of the fest, which kinda blowed, but oh well!
of course you would say we kicked ass, you are John's girlfriend, but hey thanks!
It was great to see Suffocation back. I told Terrance how much they have influenced us, and how its awesome they are back. He even has our demo still we gave him back in '98! I thought that was dope he remembered that.. I still think the best Suffo line-up was the Despise the Sun line-up, but they still sounded great. It was an honor to once again share a stage with them. Can't wait for their new CD!!I personally think fests suck. They are always rushed, and it always sucks when you are forced to use gear you aren't familiar with. Not a big deal for me, but mainly Andy to use a drum set that isn't set up for how he plays. And the asshole promoters. God I hate them. Anyways, overall it was good to play in Vegas, a new town for us. Shit, I have to go to work, peace out!
hahaha-well, just FYI, I liked you guys as a band long before John and I were ever boyfriend/girl, etc...I knew him for a year before we ever were together, and I still dug you guys then, when Thoughts was out alone!

And I fucking hated the promoters as well, they ditched out on everyone it seemed, and didn't even pay up to Suffo what they originally promised! It fucking sucked-Fests CAN be good, just not on the West Coast.

well, I will say that the west coast just doesn't seem to be able to get the people to travel to it's shore even when in vegas where you could have tons of fun after the show around town.:Smug:
I had tons of fun. Deicide was better than I had seen in years. dreams of damnation were impressive. Suffocation was awesome as they were in Milwaukee. I dug your guys new songs and it was, as it always is, to chat with everyone. I think I accidently rudely woke away from andy as cattle decapitation went on but I tried my best as usual to spread the vehemence word.
Impaled were killer and comical as usual on Sunday. Kataklysm's video shoot was killer and the ones of us that were there made it successful for them. Monstrosity was so much better than when I saw them open for dimmu borgir. They ended the fest with their cover of Angel of Death.
This is a piss poor review but I will be in better mood to write one later along with my pics of the fest when I get over being pulled over today on way back. Damn, finishing passing in a no passing zone my tattooed as:Spin: Woohoo, I get to go to a defensive driving class. Wait!!!:erk:

To Bjorn and John, you know I will be first in line for any future Vehemence flexi fitted hats as I have to hide my future "skullet" somehow.:OMG:o_O
good to see a bunch of folks there! EVery band played their hearts out and we had a killer time.

Good to see some famliiar faces like Michelle....Vehemence and others put on a great show.

Also, I promise you, that despite Impaled's claim, Noctuary did not piss on the cookies.........or did we?


anyone know where I can get photos of all the bands?
The cookies were pissed on huh? Looking forward to hearing Tharmusborne, and Sean will be the first to get a flexi fitted hat. Excellent new Noctuary tracks, looking forward to seeing you guys live elsewhere since we did take off the next days afternoon.

I had a good time at the fest, my frist time in vegas as 21 years old, I did a lil of the slots, ended up drinking some cranberry and vodkas, at the lady luck hotel. There wasnt a problem with the fest at all, we played, got a great response, got paid whatwe asked for, hardly no hassle, in and out. Suffocation ruled, they played som new stuff that they didnt play in baltimore. like reincremation and a (new song) i forgot what it was called...if anyone remembers , post it! Talked to Frank, and Terrance about how far Vehemence has come.. and they tottaly remember the mason jar double night show.

Nice to see alot of great photographer supporters to, i have about 3 different people that have submitted pictures, i wil be posting those on the website soon.
The cookies were pissed on huh?

Impaled had cookies out on their table called "cookies of death"..they kept hyping up a surprise they had...after they finished they told the crowd we pissed on the cookies...:Smug:
