Early rough mix and possible cash job for help mixing!


Sep 19, 2009
Hey guys! Working on the first song that we (Captain Overboard--Radio Earth!) recorded for our new EP. I usually record and mix all of our things, and I want an opinion on this rough mix I did, but more so than that, is I may possibly want to look outside to get someone to mix this EP, and possibly the next three that will be coming out in the next year or so.

I can post raw tracks if anybody wants to try their hand, but for now, here is my mix.

http://dl.dropbox.com/u/324982/CAPT/Metal Turkey-5-5-12-Mix2.mp3?dl=1

Triggered snare (and you can tell in the beginning) and kick. Guitars are 6505+ with EQ and Comp. Bass is DI. Vocals are SM58. Slight reverb on drum bus.

You can hear the click track in the intro, this I still haven't figured out how it happened unless it was headphone bleed, which doesn't make sense either.. :OMG:
The clarity of the mix is there, but it's missing some "beef" in the lower frequency range. Guitars might be a little bright too. I'd be glad to mix your songs for you, I'll send you a PM.
I got them Jack, thanks! I'll let the rest of the band listen after I get a few more submissions.

BPM is 170 guys, sorry about that. Thanks so much, looking forward to setting something up with one of you!
Bwahaha, well.....the original line was Feeding on my pulse....we joked about how it sounds like Feeding on my balls........it's very possible in the last vocal take he may have changed it according to everybody's opinion.....
If you could re-record drums to sloppy,not just tempo,sloppy hits of cymbals,sticks hitting etc., it's better to spent days/weeks on proper recording than couple day on editing also clean part of vocal before clean break on guitar is out of pitch and clean guitar after is also little sloppy.Good song make it shine.

Here is mine take, https://www.box.com/s/69ed4aab21dc0fb89d49
Thanks for all the mixes guys, I'm gathering them all together and at the end of the week I'll let the rest of the band hear them. Btw, the Slipknot reference, I don't think anybody in the band listens to them haha, strange. I like the first album "shrugs"
Here's my go:

I went a bit ambicious, and haven't done any replacement :)
But ive got to admit, that drums could sound better with replaced snare/toms.
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Wow, lots of great mixes! :) I love the first two Korn albums, I can definitely see the influence in my choice of effects a bit, but I'm really the only member that listens to them haha. Keep em coming, this is going to be hard to narrow down to!