Earth Day, Ants and Stagnant


New Metal Member
Sep 12, 2001
How COOL is devy? I've never really followed his projects aside from Strapping... ocean machine blew the first time i heard them, so i just gave 'em a miss... but terria and physicist are nuts.

I can't help but laugh at ants... that is totally taking the piss out of technical and prog bands with guitar-wanking.

Devy kills 'em all of course.

So... nice shoes!
Ocean Machine was an instant hit for me. I heard Seventh Wave on the radio. Bought it the next day. got a cool Grrrr! compilation CD with it. Found out Devy was in SYL, love them too. And the rest is history.

Ocean Machine is a concept album, I think, it tells a story of some dude dying or something.

The good thing about Ocean Machine and Terria is that they are nice long albums.

I find Infinity hard to grasp because it is so incoherant compared to the other two. I can't wait till his new stuff comes out. I have huge expectations.
I have seen the song with the clip... Hmmm... I don't remember which song it was... it was okay, but nothing special.

Is ocean machine not simply about 'the music that the ocean would make'... according to devy?
Yeah, Ocean Machine is a pretty vague concept. "This is what the Ocean would sound like if given instruments", according to Devy. However, the way the album flows, it's being a concept album cannot be questioned. Every track is good (Maybe the song you heard was "Life", it's sort of radio-friendly sounding, so...) and "The Death of Music" is a wonderfully restrained emotional climax for the whole thing. Check out "Funeral" in addition to those recommended by llamura, but recognize that the album must be digested as a whole.

It's the best non-Opeth album I own.

If that's not an endorsement, I don't know what is.
a devin thread and i am not here! lol...yea...i love almost everything i heard (missing "as heavy is a really heavy thing"). the rest is unbelievable.
ocean machine swallows me everytime. it'S from the beginning to the end just a single flow. infinity is weird...i never listened to it from the beginning to the end. it has some weak points in my eyes. physicist is great...reminds me alot on SYL, planet rain is amazing. terria is just as devy says a summer cd. i love it except the intro and mountain...the rest is great, especially the solo of deep peace....
there's strapping young lad (cds: as heavy as a really heavy thing; city; no sleep 'till bedtime [live])
then: biomech (cd: ocean machine)
and then his solo cds (terria; phyisicist; infinity)....that's it...
Physicist is a must own for the discerning Townsend fan, naturally Kingdom and Planet Rain are the standouts, but there are lots of good short songs that showcase his gift to unite the melodic and the visceral elements of his music, namely Namaste and Irish Maiden.
Originally posted by [KOTNO]Narrot
there's strapping young lad (cds: as heavy as a really heavy thing; city; no sleep 'till bedtime [live])
then: biomech (cd: ocean machine)
and then his solo cds (terria; phyisicist; infinity)....that's it...
Don't forget Punky Bruster. And the Steve Vai album he sang on.
Oceanmachine is excellent all the way through, the three songs recomended so far are all great, but I'd recomment 3 others as the top 3, if that tells you anything. The first four tracks on infinity plus "fuzzy pink clouds" or whatever that one is called are just as good or better than the stuff on Oceanmachine and anything else he has done. Other than those 5 tracks, the rest is a little weak tho. I want to get the Christeen EP next and then possibly Terria, tho so far aside from Earth Day I don't see what is so spectacular about it.
Ass Sordid demos is an amazing album, it's kinda a cross between Ocean Machine and Infinity, it's quite weird, a bit tongue in cheek, but there is also some timeless music on there, like Ocean Machines, or LA, but it has it's weak moments. I doubt that you'll find it in shops, it's pretty rare, but it's easy to get using Audiogalaxy.

Punky Bruster just weirds me out. And I want the album where he sings for Steve Vai, but I can't find it, or a song list so I can download. What is it like?

The Cristeen EP is also amazing, very weird, layered, diverse, and fits into about 25 minutes. Though the waltz in Processional draws out a bit. Quite a confusing CD.
I really can't stand Steve Vai so I haven't got the album, even with Devy's singing. If I could get the short edit of Down Deep in the Pain they used for the video, that would make me happy. Search for Sex & Religion on Audiogalaxy and you should find all the songs. Or you can look up the track list on cdnow.

I think everything but the Steve Vai is purchasable (I don't care if it's not a word) through the hevydevy records site.
Devin exhilirates and then exhausts me...Brilliant! There is plenty of passion and beauty in his work, as we all well know!

Hey Kushantaiidan,
I originally agreed with you about Infinity (not being especially coherent as an album...) but I have been hammering it (the whole album at once) the last few days and it really seems to have gone up a notch; if that is possible. Damn I haven't been this inspired since sweeeeett Opeth. :D

:yell: It's you Birrth-day it's on Earth Day!