Earthlink Parking Garage

Walter_Langkowski said:
Has anyone used this and had any problems? I'm not sure if I'm nabbing a hotel within walking distance or not, so I might be driving from a farther location.

I think it's $20 (correct me if I'm wrong). And is this open for the Pre-party also?

Park under the Law School. Take the first left North of Earthlink. It's gated and only costs $5.
Walter_Langkowski said:
Has anyone used this and had any problems? I'm not sure if I'm nabbing a hotel within walking distance or not, so I might be driving from a farther location.

I think it's $20 (correct me if I'm wrong). And is this open for the Pre-party also?

Yeah, we used it once or problems at all! In fact, it was very nice being able to crawl back into the car right after the festivities. I think cost is either $15 or $20 during evening events, but only $5 during the day and during "non-events" like the Wednesday night shindig Glenn throws. Prices may have changed, so check it out closer to the show. And be sure you leave the right $$$'s in the box if there's no attendant...I'm told bad things happen if you underpay.

We parked there for PPV on Friday. It was $15, no issues. On Saturday we parked in a small lot in the corner of Peachtree and 17 St (I think). Open lot, only $5, no issues either. By parking in the Earthlink you're basically paying for location.
How far is the law school parking lot from Earthlink walking wise?
Last year I found a spot on the street by the library on Friday which is a block away from the club and Saturday I parked two blocks away from the club in a residental area and just walked. Both nights for free. Just read the signs if you park on the street so you dont get towed. I think parking garages are ripoffs, and try not to use them if I know the area.
Pellaz said:
A short block at that.

Amazing that John Marshall of Metal Church (and, briefly, Metallica) founded a law school. I mean, who knew?! :tickled:

Yeah man... a Metal Church and a Metal Law School? Sounds like the dude is planning on starting a Metal Theocracy... could be bad news... next thing you know, Metal Fundamentalists in Manowar t-shirts will be hardcore moshing soccer moms in the parking lot of Kelly Clarkson concerts...