Earthshaker pics

I had a great festival here.

Saxon were brilliant, and played a pretty standard set which I'm sure you could all predict, with Biff doing the same "old song new song, fast song slow song, I'm tearing up the setlist" spiel he's being doing since the year dot.

They had the Eagle on stage (which stayed in the rafters of the set, even when hammerfall were on).

Saxon were "fantastiche!" - although i have to say Biff, erm "Warlords of Deutchland"????? :err: No! had a great time. Saxon is a universal language! I bounced away with germans and had many beers, not speaking much Deutch!

Also GREAT were HAMMERFALL..playing a few new songs.sounding bombastically awesome. Edguy, lordi and Ensiferum!

great setting for a festival, great bands..only wish that I was with more English guys..everyone who I approached to go let me down, so I ended up partying with the Germans, and picking up a group of English punk girlies giving them a lift in my hire car...

Awesome time, will go again next year if Bill good. 40 degree heat! Wow! Does your suntan wonders.
Some Impressions from the gig at Earthshaker Fest:



You can find also a report in German.