East Coast swing?


May 31, 2005
Are their any plans for an east coast tour? The Maidens have created quite a buzz nationwide, many rocker-types have heard of you gals. With Iron Maiden being more popular than they've been the past 15 years, why not take advantage of the opportunity and go all out?
You make valid points but remember if you read some of the other interviews the members have other irons in the fire than just this band.

Aja does voice over work and Wanda is first chair bass in a symphony. Do they abandon those other gigs to do a US tour?

I'm sure Liz, Sara, and Linda have other work as well I just don't know what exactly.

Remember also that they are a Tribute band and who knows at what point the real IM organization would say enough already.

I am sure Mark and the ladies do a lot of schedule juggling to play whenever they can.

spideyjg said:
You make valid points but remember if you read some of the other interviews the members have other irons in the fire than just this band.

Aja does voice over work and Wanda is first chair bass in a symphony. Do they abandon those other gigs to do a US tour?

I'm sure Liz, Sara, and Linda have other work as well I just don't know what exactly.

Remember also that they are a Tribute band and who knows at what point the real IM organization would say enough already.

I am sure Mark and the ladies do a lot of schedule juggling to play whenever they can.


good point...still would like to see them either in NYC or Philly :rock: