East West DeathGrind Fest 3 has a diverse selection of Australian Death Metal and Grindcore Bands including Victoria's The Day Everything Became Nothing, who haven't been to Sydney in a very long time. See below for the full line-up. It's all taking place at the Sandringham Hotel on the 26th of November, all for $20.
The first 100 payers get a free Grindhead Records CD. Pre-sale Tickets might be available soon.
The Facebook page for the event is http://www.facebook.com/EastWestFest
The MySpace page for the event is http://www.myspace.com/550793489
Either page has links to all of the bands.
The confirmed line-up for the festival is as follows:
Daemon Foetal Harvest
The Day Everything Became Nothing
Mother Eel
Hell Itself
The Mung
Festering Drippage
Granny Fist
Disciples Of Torture
Lower Back Problems
Artwork drawn by myself.