
Apr 3, 2005
hey when i pay like how soon should i pay im new to ebay do i wait untill the package thing arrives..and how long will it take to get here?
MetalThrasher442 said:
hey when i pay like how soon should i pay im new to ebay do i wait untill the package thing arrives..and how long will it take to get here?

What are you talking about? Pay what?

Depending on the auction, some sellers require to pay withing 24hr ... some ranging from 3-10 days.
MetalThrasher442 said:
haha trying to be a smart ass or just fuckin with me

well ask a stupid question...

why are you asking here...on the ebay site they have these things called 'help pages', you might wanna try looking there.
what a strange post. how about you ASK THE SELLER? you know, there are no laws governing how quick an Ebay seller must ship an item.