Echoes of Eternity - As Shadows Burn


24 Hours Ago...
Jan 2, 2005
City beneath the surface
Anyone else have this? I really enjoyed this band's first effort, so I checked their new one out, As Shadows Burn. I really have enjoyed it! Like the first, there is alot of impressive musicanship topped off with really good, mid ranged, female vox.

Here's one of my favorite cuts so far, but they're all good.

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I liked the first album. My only problem with it was that it was a bit repetetive. Not the case on this one. They have a unique sound I think.
Yeah really its unfortunate that whatever label they are now isnt supporting this release at all. I havent seen one thing about it anywhere. Very nice people and talented, especially the "talent" the lead singer has, giggity, though she can sing too.
Yeah really its unfortunate that whatever label they are now isnt supporting this release at all. I havent seen one thing about it anywhere. Very nice people and talented, especially the "talent" the lead singer has, giggity, though she can sing too.

It is weird because they had a lot of promotion (relatively) for the first disc as they were on a bunch of tours. Now? Not so much.
I didn't dig it. I thought it was a bit uninspired and again, repetitive.

I do remember seeing Nuclear Blast doing quite a bit of advertisement for this new record, though if I'm not mistaken...