economy going broke

First thing guys notice about girlz

  • smile

    Votes: 2 14.3%
  • boobs

    Votes: 2 14.3%
  • @$$

    Votes: 3 21.4%
  • eyes

    Votes: 5 35.7%
  • other

    Votes: 2 14.3%

  • Total voters

~*Kutie Kourtney*~

New Metal Member
Jul 22, 2002
A place in Canada
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I dont' know about any of u, but lately, I've been hearing it from everyone saying, how come u can't save ur money? and after some thinking, I've realized, well first off, where I live, the ATM machines will only give me multiples of 20's so if I want to take out 25 bux, I'm f*****i have to take out 40, or look like an a** and be short 5 bux, and another thing, for all the Canadians, is those damn twoonies and loonies, when I have twoonies and loonies, I'm like ah its just loose change and I'll spend it, but when u add them up, u've got about 20 bux, in change...i don't know, whats ur opinion on the subject?
I think the first thing guys notice on a girl depends on the girl. If she has nice breasts, that is probably the first thing I notice. If she has nice eyes - probably the first thing. If she's fat, that is probably the first (and last) thing I notice. It just depends on the girl.
The econmey sucks, they have cut jobs down so bad!
and the hours they cut them down too
and of course no one is giving anyone raises, well besides my husband!
but I figure it will be two years before United States get on there feet or We Have War?
What do you think?:(
Moonwitch, I agree wit the cutting of jobs, it's shit, I'm one of the few teens u have a job...course there are the lazy ones who just sit around and so sick all and don't want to get a job, but then there's the ppl who collect welfare, and don't even make an effort to do doesn't make sense, goverments keep saying they're trying to fix things, but who are they trying to fix things for is the real question...what d o u think???
ps...good for ur husband giving raises, its about time somone did
It is amazing how our goverment has taken control of all the situation of econmey and then lets welfare go out to anyone whom complains of a back pain and they cannot make any money!
and the working collar whom works harder then anyone gets not much in the end but a small retirement and a broken back.
I think it should be the people whom make a stand and start looking into what we are doing and make some changes, after all we are the ones that run this whole world!
anyway that is my opionion.
I agree totally with your opinion, i don't think the governement realizes excactly what they're doing, and how in the long run the decisions they are making are going to effect them us so much in the long run, they'll all be kicking their asses soon enough, and I'm just gonna laugh my ass off at them, because I knew all along what was going to happen