Ed Gein - Judas Goats & Dieseleaters


Jul 15, 2001
The starry attic
Ed Gein - Judas Goats & Dieseleaters
Blackmarket Activities - BMA011 - 2006
The Black Sails


Wow. I still can't believe it. Listening to Ed Gein, I was stunned when reading the inlay (which has some cool Banksy-esque stylings) to find out that the wall of noise coming toward me like an aural sandstorm was actually a created by a three piece. Now, three pieces in this industry, c.f. Rabies Caste, tend not to do so well, and have a sound that is really quite empty. This lot manage to pile sin and cos waves upon each other [damn, The Black Sails even manages to get maths into his reviews – RG] in such a way that every single particle in the interim is vibrating with an anger and ferocity rivaled only by bands with at least twice as many members; musicians who were no doubt beaten every day as children and kept in cages outside school hours.

Having released It's A Shame A Family Can Be Torn Apart By Something As Simple As A Pack Of Wild Dogs way back in 2003 (thankfully they decided to keep the title of this one a little shorter), what have the last few years brought to Ed Gein I hear you ask? Not really a lot that’s new, but the formula was never broken. The album is brimming with chaotic riffs and even more shouting than the last one, once again all political/economical rants and tirades that you have to read the inlay to translate. To somebody that doesn't like grind many of the songs will sound the same, but for those that persevere they will find a lot of variety in each song. Tracks like 'Amen' and 'Bastard' are the perfect samples for judging this release; all in a typical grind form, not particularly different from the standard, but performed exceedingly well.

If you are a grind newbie this may well be the perfect place to start, while stalwarts of the scene must still own Judas Goats & Dieseleaters purely for the skillful composition and execution of each track. Highly recommended.


UM's Review Rating Scale

Official Ed Gein website
Official Blackmarket Activities website