Eddie Van Halen Live in 1984 with paul schaffer...and...


Members Only Member
Apr 1, 2008
Osceola Mills, PA
An AWESOME bassist who can play parts of the song without moving any hands at all!!!!
It happens a few times during the song, but it you watch 2:18-2:35, not only do you get see the bassist not moving any hands and then all the sudden start playing at the next part...you also get to watch paul shaffer hump his keyboard. its insane. I gotta learn that stage move. :lol:
Eddie is sporting a nice mullet by the way. Is that a bandana around your neck Eddie? A blue tank top and dress pants?? Are you SERIOUS?....thank God its not the 80's anymore!! Anyway, you can tell Mr. Van Halen was dressed lay down some fire. :goggly:
The rest of the band looks horribly out of place. Dont get me started on those guys. Oh screw it... George Clinton Called, He wants his drummer back. Paul Shaffer looks like he got out of prison to play the show.
The other guitar player looks like he never wants the 50's to end.
The amazing bass player looks like he should be pulling logs out of the forest instead of pretending to play bass.
It sounds cool live, but based on the bassist not playing several times, id have to say its not live. I love the original song, and Eddie is a great guitarist...but that is one WEIRD "live" performance.

Here it is. What do you think?
Oh my god that bass tone is so horribly out of place, burp-city :lol: (and I love the occasional little chromatic bits he throws in, though by "love" I mean "find hysterical", not "genuinely enjoy" :D) Was this Letterman's band at the time? That's the only explanation I can think of as to who the hell these random people are :lol:

Seriously though, this bassist sounds like he belongs in Foghat (listen to the bass in "Slow Ride" and you'll know what I mean :D)
And the organist's little dance moves and claps, these guys are all so square lolololololololol

But needless to say, Eddie delivers as always! :rock:
Who, the bassist? Maybe, but while I'm no expert, I know the only way for me to get that kind of tone is pretty much completely drop the neck pickup volume on my J-bass (so it's only the bridge pickup sending signal), regardless of where I strike the strings! (though closer to the bridge certainly exacerbates it). Works for funk and Rush...not so much here IMO :D
well, at the clip position i mentioned, you see him start playing again. his arm stops and then goes crazy and theres no volume change. I may be wrong. who knows.

Edit: I watched again. I think im wrong, theres one camera angle where i saw a finger move. Youre right. He is bridge riding. Oh well, interesting looking group of guys none the less.
Remember seeing this when it first aired. Actually, was recently thinking about it. Nice find! :) This was back when Dave was on during the day time (I think). I'm not sure who that bass player is. I'm used to seeing Will Lee on bass, but that sure doesn't look like him.
That's Neil Jason. He's mainly a funky jazzbo but also played bass on the Cyndi Lauper single "Girls Just Wanna Have Fun" and Gene Simmons' 1978 solo album.
Well, the backing band is no Van Halen, but it was cool nonetheless. And I'm rpetty certain that bass player was playing the whole song, haha. The change at 2:35 is because he starts slapping.