Eddie's photos...


Jul 9, 2005
What can I say, I'm a sucker for atmospheric shots






Personally, I can't stand the way photo's look with flash at gigs. Everything looks washed out, and it just makes it look like you walked in during sound check. I personally prefer shots that may be a bit blurry, without a massivly expesnive camera with manual shutter speed, it's the best way (in my opinion) of catching the atmosphere of a show.
some fairly good action shots there :) i probably saw you taking them. I like the effect you got on these photos :)
Here's me with the boys, many thanks for the group shot and the chat with some of you after the show, especially some interesting news from Andrea :D


I was over the right side during the gig aswell, just by the right hand pillar. It was a great show, only the second time i've seen PQ since seeing them first at Bloodstock 03, which is how i got into them as i saw them on the bill and decided to check them out! In fact i still have the CD Steve W burnt for me of the WoF sample tracks as i couldn't download them from the net! Maybe that will be worth something some day :D
Nice photos mate. Taht stage looks bigger than the underworld!

And Frosty, I know what you mean about that washed out look, I just don't like it blurry. We should but £2000 cameras, and have the best of both worlds. :D
Tonberry said:
Nice photos mate. Taht stage looks bigger than the underworld!

And Frosty, I know what you mean about that washed out look, I just don't like it blurry. We should but £2000 cameras, and have the best of both worlds. :D

Student loan at the ned of april you say... :)
Replica X also put in an amazing performance at Edwards No.8 and what nice guys they are too.

I've gotta say that the Management & staff at Eddies are just as amazing, highly recommend this venue to musicians out there as they are highly commited to what they do. Top marks for being the most organised & helpful venue.
Yeah I mean the staff and manager all seem to be into metal. They also opened the bar for us so we didn't have to just stand there queuing. Top marks.
Bah, we were stuck with Pantera at Rios, whoop-de-doo! But hey, being right at the front for both PQ and Pagan's Mind was well a treat! Got some ace photos as well!